
时间: 2023-09-02 09:15:43 浏览: 54
PyQt5 QThread is a class provided by PyQt5 that allows you to create a separate thread of execution within a PyQt5 application. It is used to perform long-running tasks without blocking the main thread of the application. QThread is a QObject subclass, which means it can emit signals and receive slots. This makes it easy to communicate between the main thread and the worker thread. To use QThread, you need to subclass it and override the run() method. This method will be executed in the worker thread. You can also define additional methods in the subclass to perform specific tasks. Here's an example of using QThread to perform a long-running task: ``` from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, pyqtSignal class WorkerThread(QThread): finished = pyqtSignal() progress = pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) def run(self): for i in range(100): self.progress.emit(i) self.finished.emit() ``` In this example, we define a subclass of QThread called WorkerThread. We also define two signals: finished and progress. The finished signal will be emitted when the thread is finished, and the progress signal will be emitted periodically to update the progress of the task. The run() method is overridden to perform the actual work. In this case, we simulate a long-running task by iterating over a range of 100 and emitting the progress signal for each iteration. Finally, we emit the finished signal to indicate that the task is complete. To use this thread in your application, you can create an instance of the WorkerThread class and start it: ``` workerThread = WorkerThread() workerThread.finished.connect(on_finished) workerThread.progress.connect(on_progress) workerThread.start() ``` In this example, we create an instance of the WorkerThread class and connect its signals to functions on_finished and on_progress. We then start the thread using the start() method. The on_finished and on_progress functions can be defined in your application to handle the signals emitted by the thread. For example: ``` def on_finished(): print("Thread finished") def on_progress(value): print("Progress:", value) ``` In this example, we simply print messages to the console when the thread finishes or updates its progress. You can customize these functions to perform any actions you need in your application. Overall, PyQt5 QThread is a powerful tool for performing long-running tasks in a PyQt5 application without blocking the main thread. By subclassing QThread and defining signals and slots, you can easily communicate between the main thread and the worker thread and update the UI as needed.






python GUI库图形界面开发之PyQt5线程类QThread详细使用方法

由于PyQt的的跨平台特性,QThread要隐藏所有与平台相关的代码 要使用的QThread开始一个线程,可以创建它的一个子类,然后覆盖其它函数 class Thread(QThread): def __init __(self): super...




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