D1 = xlsread('data.xlsx',1,'B2:Y25');
时间: 2024-01-20 19:02:56 浏览: 91
As an AI language model, I cannot access local files, but I can explain what this line of code does in MATLAB.
The function 'xlsread' in MATLAB is used to read numerical data from Excel spreadsheets.
The first argument 'data.xlsx' specifies the name of the Excel file that is being read.
The second argument '1' specifies the sheet number or name to read from. In this case, it is the first sheet.
The third argument 'B2:Y25' specifies the range of cells to read in the form of 'startcell:endcell'.
The output of this line of code is a matrix 'D1' that contains the numerical values from the specified range of cells in the Excel file.
[data1,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','A4:B9799'); [data2,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','C4:D5756'); [data3,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','E4:F5724'); [data4,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','G4:H5734'); [data5,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','I4:J5730'); [data6,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','K4:L5703'); [data7,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','M4:N5716'); [data8,~,~] = xlsread('20230504.xlsx','sheet1','O4:P5718'); figure; plot(data1(:,1),data1(:,2),'-r',data2(:,1),data2(:,2),'-b',data3(:,1),data3(:,2),'-g',data4(:,1),data4(:,2),'-m',data5(:,1),data5(:,2),'-y',data6(:,1),data6(:,2),'-k',data7(:,1),data7(:,2),'-c',data3(:,1),data3(:,2),'-w'); legend('Data 1','Data 2','Data 3','Data 4','Data 5','Data 6','Data 7','Data 8'); xlabel('X Axis'); ylabel('Y Axis'); title('Data Plot'); [y1,x1] = findpeaks(data1(:,2),data1(:,1)); [y2,x2] = findpeaks(data2(:,2),data2(:,1)); [y3,x3] = findpeaks(data3(:,2),data3(:,1)); [y4,x4] = findpeaks(data4(:,2),data4(:,1));[y5,x5] = findpeaks(data5(:,2),data5(:,1));[y6,x6] = findpeaks(data6(:,2),data6(:,1));[y7,x7] = findpeaks(data7(:,2),data7(:,1));[y8,x8] = findpeaks(data8(:,2),data8(:,1));hold on; plot(x1,y1,'or',x2,y2,'ob'); hold off;
这段代码读取了以.xlsx格式存储的表格数据,并绘制了8条曲线的图像,每条曲线都由两列数据组成。代码中使用了findpeaks函数来查找每条曲线的峰值,并用红色圆点和蓝色圆点标记了前两条曲线的峰值位置。最后的效果图中,横轴为X Axis,纵轴为Y Axis,图像标题为Data Plot,图例中列出了每条曲线对应的数据名称。
%% 数据读入 data = xlsread('data.xlsx'); n = size(data, 1); % 工件数 m = size(data, 2) - 1; % 机器数 p = data(:, 1); % 工件加工时间 M = data(:, 2:end); % 工件在每台机器上的加工时间中data.xlsx文件是什么
`data.xlsx` 文件是存储流水车间调度问题数据的 Excel 文件,其中第一列为每个工件的加工时间,第二列到最后一列则为每个工件在每台机器上的加工时间。文件中每行表示一个工件,每列表示一台机器,因此文件大小为 $n \times (m+1)$。在代码中,我们通过 `xlsread` 函数读取了这个 Excel 文件并将数据存储在了 `p` 和 `M` 两个变量中。