support_pairs = [[symbol2id[triple[0]], symbol2id[triple[2]]] for triple in support_triples]解析代码
时间: 2023-10-27 22:06:22 浏览: 128
例如,如果`symbol2id`字典将符号`"John"`映射到ID`1`,符号`"likes"`映射到ID`2`,符号`"pizza"`映射到ID`3`,并且`support_triples`包含三元组`("John", "likes", "pizza")`,那么该行代码将生成列表`[[1, 3]]`,表示支持对`("John", "pizza")`的实体ID对。
std map triple
std::map is a container in C++ that stores elements in key-value pairs, where each key is unique. However, since you mentioned "triple," I assume you are referring to a map with a composite key consisting of three values. Unfortunately, std::map does not support composite keys out of the box.
To achieve a map with a triple key, you have a few options:
1. Use std::tuple as the key type: You can create a std::tuple of three values and use it as the key type in std::map. Here's an example:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
int main() {
std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, std::string> tripleMap;
tripleMap[std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3)] = "Value 1";
tripleMap[std::make_tuple(4, 5, 6)] = "Value 2";
std::cout << tripleMap[std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3)] << std::endl; // Output: Value 1
return 0;
2. Implement a custom key type: If you need more control over the key type or want to define custom comparison operations, you can create a struct or class to represent the triple and overload the necessary operators (e.g., operator<). Then, you can use this custom key type in std::map.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
struct Triple {
int x;
int y;
int z;
bool operator<(const Triple& other) const {
return std::tie(x, y, z) < std::tie(other.x, other.y, other.z);
int main() {
std::map<Triple, std::string> tripleMap;
tripleMap[{1, 2, 3}] = "Value 1";
tripleMap[{4, 5, 6}] = "Value 2";
std::cout << tripleMap[{1, 2, 3}] << std::endl; // Output: Value 1
return 0;
These are two possible approaches to handling a map with a triple key in C++. Choose the one that suits your needs and provides the desired functionality.
任务三:演员组合参演统计 统计所有可能的演员组合在多部电影中的参演情况,并按照指定要求填入sheet中,具体要求如下: 1. 在“电影信息统计.xlsx”文件中新增一个名为“演员组合参演统计”的sheet,分别统计二人组和三人组的情况。 2. 第一列填写演员组合,第二列填写演员组合参演电影数量,第三列填写演员组合参演电影列表。如果同一行中有多部电影,则以逗号(,)分隔。 3. 统计演员组合在所有电影中的参演情况,并按照参演电影数量降序排列,确保数量相同的组合按姓名升序排列。先写三人组合,再写二人组合。 4. 若某三人组合中已完全覆盖了其中的二人组合参演的所有电影,则不再统计该二人组合;若未完全覆盖,则仍需统计该二人组合。一部电影最多只统计出两个三人组合。代码怎么写
import openpyxl
# 读取电影信息
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('电影信息统计.xlsx')
movies_sheet = wb['电影']
actors_sheet = wb['演员']
movies = {}
for row in movies_sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, values_only=True):
movie_id, _, actors = row
movies[movie_id] = actors.split(',')
# 统计演员组合参演情况
actor_pairs = {}
actor_triples = {}
for movie_id, actors in movies.items():
actors = sorted(actors)
for i in range(len(actors)):
for j in range(i+1, len(actors)):
pair = (actors[i], actors[j])
if pair not in actor_pairs:
actor_pairs[pair] = {'count': 0, 'movies': []}
actor_pairs[pair]['count'] += 1
if movie_id not in actor_pairs[pair]['movies']:
for k in range(j+1, len(actors)):
triple = (actors[i], actors[j], actors[k])
if triple not in actor_triples:
actor_triples[triple] = {'count': 0, 'movies': []}
actor_triples[triple]['count'] += 1
if movie_id not in actor_triples[triple]['movies']:
# 将结果写入Excel
result_sheet = wb.create_sheet('演员组合参演统计')
result_sheet.append(['演员组合', '演员组合参演电影数量', '演员组合参演电影列表'])
for triple, stats in sorted(actor_triples.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1]['count'], x[0])):
covered_pairs = set()
for pair in [(triple[0], triple[1]), (triple[0], triple[2]), (triple[1], triple[2])]:
if pair in actor_pairs:
if all(movie_id in stats['movies'] for movie_id in actor_pairs[pair]['movies']):
result_sheet.append([pair, actor_pairs[pair]['count'], ', '.join(actor_pairs[pair]['movies'])])
if len(covered_pairs) < 3:
result_sheet.append([triple, stats['count'], ', '.join(stats['movies'])])
if result_sheet.max_row > 10000:
break # 最多写入10000行数据'电影信息统计.xlsx')