PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ":" when expecting one of the following:
时间: 2024-05-29 08:12:19 浏览: 217
This error message is usually encountered in Oracle PL/SQL and indicates that a symbol was found where it wasn't expected. The message suggests that the symbol ":" was encountered when expecting one of the following:
- A variable, constant or literal value
- A keyword such as IF, FOR, WHILE, etc.
- An operator such as +, -, *, /, etc.
- A closing bracket or parenthesis
To resolve this error, you need to carefully review your PL/SQL code and identify where the unexpected symbol was used. Check if it is a typo or if it violates the syntax rules of PL/SQL. Once you identify the issue, correct the code and try running it again.
ORA-06550: line 159, column 4: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following: loop
根据错误信息,看起来在第 159 行的第 4 列遇到了一个分号(;),而期望的是一个循环(loop)或其他语句。这意味着在这个位置上使用了不正确的语法。
ORA-06550: line 1, column 70: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ) when expecting one of the following: ( - + case mod new not null <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a b
这是一个 Oracle PL/SQL 编译错误,错误信息提示在第 1 行第 70 列遇到了一个语法错误,期望的是其中一个符号:(、-、+、case、mod、new、not、null、<an identifier>、<a double-quoted delimited-identifier> 或 <a bounded-length string literal>。可能是由于代码中存在语法错误或者缺少关键字所导致的。建议检查代码语法是否正确,并确保所有的关键字都正确使用。如果问题仍然存在,可以将代码片段与错误信息一起提供,以便更好地帮助定位问题所在。