pcie inbound memory window表示什么
时间: 2023-03-05 21:44:35 浏览: 226
PCIe Inbound Memory Window 是PCI Express (PCIe) 总线的一个重要概念,表示用于存储接收到的数据的内存区域。在PCIe架构中,设备之间通过消息传递进行通信,其中的数据包被接收方存储在其 Inbound Memory Window 中。
具体来说,PCIe Inbound Memory Window 是由接收方设备分配的内存区域,用于存储接收到的数据包。这个内存区域是通过PCIe配置空间中的Base Address Register (BAR)来定义的。当接收到数据包时,PCIe接口将数据包的有效负载写入 Inbound Memory Window 中,并通知接收方设备。接收方设备随后可以读取 Inbound Memory Window 中的数据并采取适当的措施。
需要注意的是,Inbound Memory Window 区域必须是可访问和可用的,否则接收方设备将无法接收和处理数据包。此外,接收方设备必须确保其 Inbound Memory Window 区域不会与其他设备的内存区域发生冲突,这通常通过使用唯一的BAR地址来实现。
总之,PCIe Inbound Memory Window 是PCIe总线架构中的一个重要概念,用于定义接收方设备存储接收到的数据包的内存区域。
pcie inbound memory window、outbound memory window分别表示什么
PCI Express (PCIe) is a high-speed serial bus standard used to connect computer peripherals to a motherboard. The inbound and outbound memory windows in PCIe refer to the range of memory addresses that can be accessed by a device on the bus.
The inbound memory window refers to the range of memory addresses that a device on the bus can access in the host system's memory. In other words, it is the range of memory addresses that the host system has allowed the device to read from. This is also sometimes referred to as the device's memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) space.
The outbound memory window, on the other hand, refers to the range of memory addresses that a device on the bus can use to access its own memory. In other words, it is the range of memory addresses that the device has been allowed to write to. This is sometimes referred to as the device's direct memory access (DMA) space.
The sizes of these memory windows are typically defined during system initialization, and can vary depending on the specific PCIe implementation and system configuration. The size and location of the memory windows can also be adjusted dynamically by the operating system or device drivers, depending on the specific requirements of the system and the devices connected to it.
pcie inbound memory window、outbound memory window分别表示什么,用中文回答
PCIe中的inbound memory window和outbound memory window都是用来描述设备在访问系统内存时的机制。
inbound memory window是指PCIe设备访问主机内存的机制,也被称为“读取(memory read)”机制。当PCIe设备想要读取主机内存中的数据时,它会向主机发出请求,请求在主机内存中分配一段特定的地址空间,该地址空间就是inbound memory window。PCIe设备可以在这段地址空间中进行读取操作,读取完毕后将数据返回给设备。
outbound memory window则是指PCIe设备向主机内存写入数据的机制,也被称为“写入(memory write)”机制。当PCIe设备想要向主机内存中写入数据时,它会向主机发出请求,请求在主机内存中分配一段特定的地址空间,该地址空间就是outbound memory window。PCIe设备可以向这段地址空间中写入数据,主机则可以从这段地址空间中读取设备写入的数据。
因此,inbound memory window和outbound memory window都是PCIe设备与主机内存之间进行数据交互的机制,只是一个是设备读取主机内存的机制,一个是设备向主机内存写入数据的机制。