python cx_Oracle库报错 cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
时间: 2024-05-26 09:13:21 浏览: 339
1. Oracle数据库没有启动或者监听器没有启动。
2. 数据库服务器的IP地址或主机名不正确。
3. 数据库服务器的端口号不正确。
4. 数据库名称不正确。
5. 防火墙阻止了连接。
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
This error message indicates that the client was not able to establish a connection with the server because the target host or object does not exist. There could be several reasons for this error, including:
1. Incorrect hostname or IP address: The client may have entered an incorrect hostname or IP address for the server.
2. Incorrect port number: The client may have entered an incorrect port number for the server.
3. Firewall blocking the connection: The client may be behind a firewall that is blocking the connection to the server.
4. Server is down: The server may be down or not responding to requests.
5. Network connectivity issues: There may be network connectivity issues between the client and the server.
To resolve this error, the client should verify that they have entered the correct hostname or IP address and port number for the server. They should also check if there are any firewall rules blocking the connection and ensure that the server is up and running. If the issue persists, they should contact their network administrator or the server administrator for further assistance.
xtts 迁移的时候 ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
ORA-12545 错误通常是由于网络问题导致的。这个错误可能有多种原因,比如:
1. 目标主机的 IP 地址不正确或者主机名无法解析。
2. 目标主机上的 Oracle 服务未启动或者未监听到指定的端口。
3. 防火墙或者网络设备阻止了连接。
4. 目标主机的 tnsnames.ora 文件中没有正确配置服务名。
1. 确保目标主机的 IP 地址或者主机名是正确的,可以通过 ping 命令或者 nslookup 命令进行验证。
2. 确保目标主机上的 Oracle 服务已经启动,并且监听了你想要连接的端口。可以使用 lsnrctl status 命令来查看监听器的状态。
3. 确保防火墙或者网络设备没有阻止连接。可以尝试关闭防火墙或者修改防火墙规则来解决问题。
4. 检查你的 tnsnames.ora 文件是否正确配置了服务名和对应的连接信息。可以使用 tnsping 命令来测试服务名是否可用。