Conic Programming
时间: 2023-11-23 15:07:03 浏览: 126
Conic programming is a type of mathematical optimization problem that involves a conic constraint. A conic constraint is a mathematical relationship between the variables in the problem and a cone in a higher-dimensional space. In conic programming, the objective is to minimize or maximize a linear or quadratic function subject to a set of conic constraints.
Conic programming has many applications in areas such as finance, engineering, and computer science. It can be used to solve problems such as portfolio optimization, signal processing, and control theory. Conic programming is especially useful when the problem involves non-convex constraints, as the conic constraints can often be used to create a convex relaxation of the problem.
The most commonly used cones in conic programming are the second-order cone (SOC), the positive semidefinite cone (PSD), and the exponential cone. The SOC is used to model problems with quadratic constraints, while the PSD cone is used to model positive semidefinite matrices. The exponential cone is used to model problems with exponential functions.
Conic programming can be solved using specialized solvers such as MOSEK, CVXPY, or Gurobi. These solvers use algorithms such as interior-point methods or primal-dual methods to solve the problem efficiently.