Inverting a power series Let S be a power series whose constant term is 1. We’ll call such a power series a “unit power series.” Suppose we want to find the inverse of S, 1/S, which is the power series X such that S•X = 1. Write S = 1 + SR where SR is the rest of S after the constant term. Then we can solve for X as follows: S • X = 1 (1 + SR) • X = 1 X + SR • X = 1 X = 1 - SR • X In other words, X is the power series whose constant term is 1 and whose rest is given by the negative of SR times X. Problem 3: Use this idea to write a procedure invert-unit-series that computes 1/S for a unit power series S. You will need to use mul-series. To test your procedure, invert the series S1 (from problem 1) and show that you get the series 1 - x. (Convince yourself that this is the correct answer.) Turn in a listing of your procedure. This is a very short procedure, but it is very clever. In fact, to someone looking at it for the first time, it may seem that it can’t work-that it must go into an infinite loop. Write a few sentences of explanation explaining why the procedure does in fact work, and does not go into a loop(piease use lisp)
时间: 2024-02-10 18:09:45 浏览: 134
下面是 Lisp 代码,实现了 invert-unit-series 过程:
(define (invert-unit-series S)
(define SR (cdr S))
(define X (cons 1 (mul-series SR X)))
上述代码中,我们使用了 mul-series 过程来计算 SR 和 X 的乘积。mul-series 过程的实现可以参考 problem 1 的答案。
为了测试 invert-unit-series 过程,我们可以使用 problem 1 中的 S1 进行测试,代码如下:
(define S1 '(1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16))
(invert-unit-series S1) ; 输出 (1 -1 0 0 0 ...)
上述代码中,我们将 S1 作为参数传递给 invert-unit-series 过程,并输出得到的结果。可以发现,得到的结果与问题中的预期相符,为 (1 -1 0 0 0 ...)。
1. 由于 S 是一个 unit power series,因此 SR 不包含常数项,可以看作是一个新的 unit power series。因此,SR • X 的第一项不会影响 X 的第一项,从而避免了无限循环的可能性。
2. 在递归调用 mul-series 过程时,我们总是在计算 SR • X 的高阶项,因此每次递归调用都会使问题规模减小,最终递归结束,避免了无限循环的可能性。