Exception processing template "teacher/StudentList": Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "pj.classname"
时间: 2024-05-20 07:16:22 浏览: 117
This is a technical question related to SpringEL expression evaluation. To answer, we would need more information and insight into the code and environment. Could you please provide more context and details about the issue you are facing?
Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "pj.classname" (template: "teacher/StudentList" - line 55, col 48)
1. pj对象不存在或者为空,无法获取其属性值;
2. pj对象中没有名为"classname"的属性;
3. pj对象的属性名为"className"而不是"classname",大小写敏感问题;
4. SpringEL表达式的语法错误。
ERROR o.t.TemplateEngine - [process,1085] - [THYMELEAF][http-nio-8086-exec-10] Exception processing template "business/spot/spotDetail": Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "currentProcess.userId == userId" (business/spot/spotDetail) 17:23:39.071 [http-nio-8086-exec-10] ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[.[dispatcherServlet] - [log,182] - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "currentProcess.userId == userId" (business/spot/spotDetail)] with root cause org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1007E: Property or field 'userId' cannot be found on null 这个是因为什么?
这个错误的原因是在 Thymeleaf 模板中,表达式 `"currentProcess.userId == userId"` 中的 `userId` 变量为 `null`,导致无法进行比较操作。可能的原因有以下几种:
1. 在模板中没有定义 `userId` 变量,或者定义了但是没有赋值;
2. 在模板中使用了错误的变量名,应该使用另一个变量的值进行比较;
3. 在模板中使用了错误的对象,导致无法获取正确的属性值。