[Error] 'strcpy_s' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'strcpy'?
时间: 2023-10-20 14:07:57 浏览: 216
这个错误提示通常是因为你的代码中调用了 `strcpy_s` 函数,但编译器无法找到该函数的声明。`strcpy_s` 是 C11 标准中新增的函数,需要在头文件中包含 `<string.h>` 并定义宏 `_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS`,否则编译器会认为该函数不安全而报错。如果你的编译器不支持 C11 标准,可以考虑使用 `strcpy` 函数代替。
strcpy_s was not declared in this scope"
error: ‘strcpy_s’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘strcpy’?
This error message occurs when the `strcpy_s` function is not recognized by the compiler. `strcpy_s` is a secure version of the `strcpy` function, which helps to prevent buffer overflow errors.
To fix this error, you need to include the appropriate header file. On Windows, the `strcpy_s` function is defined in the `string.h` header file. You can add the following line to the top of your code to include this header file:
#include <string.h>
Alternatively, you can replace the `strcpy_s` function with the standard `strcpy` function, which is defined in the `string.h` header file as well. However, note that the `strcpy` function is not as secure as `strcpy_s`, and may lead to buffer overflow errors if used incorrectly.