expected initializer before 'Rational'
时间: 2024-01-25 11:05:21 浏览: 57
This error message typically occurs when the code is trying to use a class or struct that has not been properly defined or declared. In this case, it seems that the compiler is expecting an initializer before the "Rational" class is defined.
To fix this error, make sure that any necessary header files are included and that the class or struct is properly declared before it is used in the code. It's also possible that there is a syntax error or typo in the code that is causing the issue, so double-check your code for any mistakes.
expected initializer before
"expected initializer before" 是C/C++语言中编译器抛出的一种错误信息。它通常表示编译器在预期遇到一个初始值或变量初始化表达式时,遇到了一个不合法的字符或符号。这通常是由于语法错误或编码错误导致的。为了解决这个问题,你需要检查你的代码,找到导致错误的位置并纠正错误。
expected initializer before void