时间: 2023-05-25 20:04:20 浏览: 255
要将文本转换为音频,您需要使用文字转语音引擎。有许多不同的文字转语音引擎可供选择,例如Google Text-to-Speech API,IBM Watson Text-to-Speech API,Nuance Text-to-Speech等等。这些引擎都有不同的接口可以使用,您需要查看每个引擎的文档以了解如何使用它。
一般情况下,您需要向文字转语音引擎发送HTTP请求,并收到包含生成的音频文件的响应。您可以使用Unity的WWW类来发送HTTP请求,并将音频文件保存到本地。使用Unity的Audio Source组件,您可以播放保存的音频文件。
以下是一个基本示例代码,演示如何使用Google Text-to-Speech API将文本转换为音频,并使用Unity的WWW类将音频文件保存到本地:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TextToSpeech : MonoBehaviour {
// The text to be converted to audio
public string text = "Hello, world!";
// The Google Text-to-Speech API endpoint
public string url = "https://texttospeech.googleapis.com/v1beta1/text:synthesize";
// Your Google Cloud API key
public string apiKey = "YOUR_GOOGLE_CLOUD_API_KEY";
// The audio format (eg. "MP3", "WAV")
public string audioFormat = "MP3";
// The output audio file path
public string audioFilePath = "output/audio.mp3";
IEnumerator Start() {
// Convert the text to audio using the Google Text-to-Speech API
WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
form.AddField("input", "{\"text\":\"" + text + "\"}");
form.AddField("voice", "{\"languageCode\":\"en-US\",\"name\":\"en-US-Wavenet-F\"}");
form.AddField("audioConfig", "{\"audioEncoding\":\"" + audioFormat + "\"}");
byte[] rawData = form.data;
WWW www = new WWW(url, rawData, new Dictionary<string,string> {{"Content-Type", "application/json"}, {"X-Goog-Api-Key", apiKey}});
yield return www;
// Save the audio file to disk
string filePath = Application.dataPath + "/" + audioFilePath;
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, www.bytes);
// Load the audio file and play it
AudioClip clip = WavUtility.ToAudioClip(filePath);
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(clip, Vector3.zero);