Actions require an explicit HttpMethod binding for Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0 如何忽略这个错误
时间: 2024-03-21 08:37:54 浏览: 113
不建议忽略这个错误,因为这是Swagger / OpenAPI规范要求的一部分,并且缺少HTTP方法绑定可能导致API无法正确工作。
如果您不想为每个端点明确指定HTTP方法,您可以考虑使用其他API规范,例如Swagger 2.0或RAML,这些规范对此没有要求。但是,请注意,这些规范可能已过时,并且Swagger / OpenAPI 3.0是当前最新的API规范,具有广泛的支持和工具生态系统。
如果您仍然想忽略此错误并继续使用Swagger / OpenAPI 3.0,您可以在API定义文件的开头添加以下行,以在验证期间禁用此错误:
swagger: '2.0'
x-ignored-HttpMethodBinding-error: true
请注意,这不是推荐的行为,并且可能会导致Swagger / OpenAPI工具无法正确解析您的API定义文件。
Actions require an explicit HttpMethod binding for Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0
Yes, that's correct. In Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0, it's mandatory to specify the HTTP method for each API endpoint. This is typically done using the `get`, `post`, `put`, `delete` and other similar keywords in the API definition. If the method is not specified, the Swagger/OpenAPI specification will not be valid, and the API will not be able to be properly documented or used by clients.
To specify the HTTP method for an endpoint in Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0, you can use the following syntax:
summary: Get a list of users
description: Retrieve a list of user objects
description: A list of user objects
summary: Add a new user
description: Add a new user object
description: The newly created user object
In the above example, there are two endpoints under the `/users` path: `GET` and `POST`. Each endpoint specifies the HTTP method explicitly using the `get` and `post` keywords. Additionally, you can provide a summary, a description and response examples for each endpoint, to help document and understand their behavior.
Actions require an explicit HttpMethod binding for Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0 在webApi中 如何忽略这个错误
在Web API中,您可以使用`SwaggerGenOptions`对象的`IgnoreObsoleteActions`属性来忽略此错误。这将允许您在API定义文件中定义不带HTTP方法绑定的操作,而不会引发Swagger / OpenAPI 3.0的错误。
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "My API", Version = "v1" });
c.IgnoreObsoleteActions = true; // 忽略缺少HTTP方法绑定的操作