SELECT t.dept_id FROM sys_dept t WHERE find_in_set(#{deptId}, ancestors)
时间: 2024-04-22 22:23:36 浏览: 198
<select id="selectCliUserList" parameterType="CliUser" resultMap="CliUserResult"> select u.cli_user_id, u.dept_id, u.cli_user_name, u.cli_account,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.user_ip, u.user_mac, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_name, d.leader from cli_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id where u.del_flag = '0' <if test="cliUserId != null and cliUserId != 0"> AND u.cli_user_id = #{cliUserId} </if> <if test="cliAccount != null and cliAccount != ''"> AND u.cli_account like concat('%', #{cliAccount}, '%') </if> <if test="status != null and status != ''"> AND u.status = #{status} </if> <if test="phonenumber != null and phonenumber != ''"> AND u.phonenumber like concat('%', #{phonenumber}, '%') </if> <if test="params.beginTime != null and params.beginTime != ''"><!-- 开始时间检索 --> AND date_format(u.create_time,'%y%m%d') >= date_format(#{params.beginTime},'%y%m%d') </if> <if test="params.endTime != null and params.endTime != ''"><!-- 结束时间检索 --> AND date_format(u.create_time,'%y%m%d') <= date_format(#{params.endTime},'%y%m%d') </if> <if test="deptId != null and deptId != 0"> AND (u.dept_id = #{deptId} OR u.dept_id IN ( SELECT t.dept_id FROM sys_dept t WHERE find_in_set(#{deptId}, ancestors) )) </if> <!-- 数据范围过滤 --> ${params.dataScope} </select>详细解释代码意思
1. 查询语句的主体部分:
select u.cli_user_id, u.dept_id, u.cli_user_name, u.cli_account,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.user_ip, u.user_mac, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_name, d.leader
from cli_user u
left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id
where u.del_flag = '0'
这部分代码定义了要查询的字段,从 `cli_user` 表和 `sys_dept` 表中获取数据。使用左连接 (`left join`) 将这两个表关联起来,条件是 `u.dept_id = d.dept_id`。查询条件 `u.del_flag = '0'` 表示只查询 `del_flag` 字段等于 '0' 的数据。
2. 条件判断部分:
<if test="cliUserId != null and cliUserId != 0">
AND u.cli_user_id = #{cliUserId}
<if test="cliAccount != null and cliAccount != ''">
AND u.cli_account like concat('%', #{cliAccount}, '%')
<if test="status != null and status != ''">
AND u.status = #{status}
<if test="phonenumber != null and phonenumber != ''">
AND u.phonenumber like concat('%', #{phonenumber}, '%')
<if test="params.beginTime != null and params.beginTime != ''"><!-- 开始时间检索 -->
AND date_format(u.create_time,'%y%m%d') >= date_format(#{params.beginTime},'%y%m%d')
<if test="params.endTime != null and params.endTime != ''"><!-- 结束时间检索 -->
AND date_format(u.create_time,'%y%m%d') <= date_format(#{params.endTime},'%y%m%d')
<if test="deptId != null and deptId != 0">
AND (u.dept_id = #{deptId} OR u.dept_id IN ( SELECT t.dept_id FROM sys_dept t WHERE find_in_set(#{deptId}, ancestors) ))
这部分代码根据输入的参数进行条件判断,动态地生成查询语句的条件部分。根据不同的条件,会添加不同的筛选条件到查询语句中。例如,如果 `cliUserId` 参数不为 null 且不为 0,则添加 `AND u.cli_user_id = #{cliUserId}` 到查询语句中,以此类推。
3. 数据范围过滤:
这部分代码是一个占位符,表示动态插入一个数据范围过滤条件。具体的数据范围过滤逻辑可以在 `${params.dataScope}` 处进行替换。
SELECT AS userId, t1.user_name AS userName, t.create_time AS createTime, t1.login_id AS loginId, t1.mobile_phone AS mobilePhone, t.user_status AS userStatus, t1.mailbox AS mailbox, t1.dept_id AS deptId, t3.dept_name AS deptName FROM sys_user t LEFT JOIN sys_user_info t1 ON (t1.login_id = t.login_id) left join sys_dept t3 ON (t1.dept_id = t3.dept_id) <where> t.del_flg = '0' <if test="loginId != null and loginId != ''"> and (t.login_id LIKE CONCAT('%',#{loginId},'%') or t1.user_name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{loginId},'%')) </if> <if test="deptId != null and deptId != ''"> and ( t1.dept_id = #{deptId} or t3.ANCESTORS like CONCAT(#{deptId},',%') or t3.ANCESTORS like CONCAT('%,',#{deptId},',%') or t3.ANCESTORS like CONCAT('%,',#{deptId})) </if> <if test="mobilePhone != null and mobilePhone != ''"> and t1.mobile_phone LIKE CONCAT('%',#{mobilePhone},'%') </if> <if test="userStatus != null and userStatus != ''"> and t.user_status = #{userStatus} </if> <if test="startDate != null and endDate != null"> and t.create_time >= #{startDate} </if> <if test="endDate != null"> and t.create_time <= #{endDate} </if> </where> order by t.create_time desc 帮我优化一下这段sql
这段 SQL 查询语句已经很好了,但是可以根据实际情况进行优化,下面是一些可能的优化建议:
1. 添加索引:可以为 `sys_user` 表的 `login_id` 和 `del_flg` 列以及 `sys_user_info` 表的 `dept_id` 和 `mobile_phone` 列添加索引,这有助于提高查询性能。
2. 使用 EXISTS 替代 LEFT JOIN:可以使用 EXISTS 子查询替代 LEFT JOIN 子查询,因为 EXISTS 子查询只需要判断是否存在满足条件的记录即可,而不需要返回所有匹配的记录集合,这样可以提高查询效率。
3. WHERE 子句中的条件顺序:将常量条件放在 WHERE 子句的前面,变量条件放在后面,这样可以优化查询执行计划。
4. 去掉不必要的括号:可以去掉 WHERE 子句中的一些不必要的小括号,这样可以使 SQL 语句更简洁明了。
下面是优化后的 SQL 查询语句:
SELECT AS userId, t1.user_name AS userName, t.create_time AS createTime, t1.login_id AS loginId, t1.mobile_phone AS mobilePhone, t.user_status AS userStatus, t1.mailbox AS mailbox, t1.dept_id AS deptId, t3.dept_name AS deptName
FROM sys_user t
LEFT JOIN sys_user_info t1 ON t1.login_id = t.login_id
LEFT JOIN sys_dept t3 ON t1.dept_id = t3.dept_id
WHERE t.del_flg = '0'
AND t.login_id LIKE CONCAT('%', #{loginId}, '%') OR t1.user_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{loginId}, '%')
AND t1.dept_id = #{deptId} OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys_dept d WHERE d.dept_id = #{deptId} AND t3.ANCESTORS LIKE CONCAT(d.ANCESTORS, '%'))
AND t1.mobile_phone LIKE CONCAT('%', #{mobilePhone}, '%')
AND t.user_status = #{userStatus}
AND t.create_time >= #{startDate}
AND t.create_time <= #{endDate}
ORDER BY t.create_time DESC
注意:上述 SQL 查询语句仅供参考,具体优化建议需要根据实际情况进行调整。