mcsema how install
时间: 2023-10-24 11:15:14 浏览: 104
To install McSema, you can follow these steps:
1. Install LLVM and Clang: McSema relies on LLVM and Clang, so you must have these installed on your machine. You can download the latest version of LLVM and Clang from the official website.
2. Install McSema: You can download the latest version of McSema from the official GitHub repository. Once you have downloaded the source code, you can build and install McSema using the following command:
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild
$ cmake --build build
$ cmake --build build --target install
This will build and install McSema on your machine.
3. Test McSema: To test McSema, you can try converting a simple program to LLVM bitcode using the following command:
$ mcsema-disass --disassembler /path/to/your/disassembler /path/to/your/binary --output /path/to/output/bitcode.ll --arch amd64
This will disassemble the binary file and generate LLVM bitcode. You can then use LLVM tools to optimize and compile the bitcode into a binary executable.
Note that McSema is a complex tool that requires some familiarity with LLVM and binary analysis. If you're new to these areas, it may take some time to get up to speed.