请翻译:Notation. We use S+ d to denote the set of all positive definite d × d matrices. With slight abuse of notation, for a vector a ∈ Rd and a positive definite matrix M ∈ Rd × Rd, we use a/M to denote M −1a, kMik2 to denote ‘2-norm of ith row of M and √M to represent M 1/2. Furthermore, for any vectors a, b ∈ Rd, we use √a for element-wise square root, a2 for element-wise square, a/b to denote element-wise division and max(a, b) to denote element-wise maximum. For any vector θi ∈ Rd, θi,j denotes its jth coordinate where j ∈ [d]. The projection operation ΠF,A(y) for A ∈ Sd+ is defined as arg minx∈F kA1/2(x − y)k for y ∈ Rd. Finally, we say F has bounded diameter D∞ if kx − yk∞ ≤ D∞ for all x, y ∈ F.
时间: 2023-06-02 13:05:29 浏览: 216
翻译:表示法。我们使用Sd来表示所有正定的d×d矩阵的集合。稍微滥用符号,对于向量a∈Rd和正定矩阵M∈Rd×d,我们使用a/M来表示M的逆乘以a,kMik2表示M的第i行的2-范数,√M表示M的1/2次方。此外,对于任意向量a、b∈Rd,我们使用√a表示逐元素平方根,a2表示逐元素平方,a/b表示逐元素除法,max(a,b)表示逐元素最大值。对于任何向量θi∈Rd,θi,j表示它的第j个坐标,其中j∈[d]。对于A∈Sd,投影操作ΠF,A(y)定义为对于y∈Rd,求解minx∈F kA1/2(x-y)k。最后,如果对于所有的x、y∈F,kx-yk∞≤D∞,我们说F的直径有界,记为D∞。