<if test="entity.platformId!=null and entity.platformId==1"> and a.is_show=1 </if>
时间: 2024-03-28 15:37:43 浏览: 52
这是一个 MyBatis XML 文件中的 if 标签,用于动态生成 SQL 查询语句。它的作用是:当 entity 对象中的 platformId 属性不为 null 且等于 1 时,生成 SQL 语句中的 "and a.is_show=1" 条件,否则不生成该条件。其中,"a" 可能是 SQL 语句中的某个表的别名。
<select id="selectActiveMenus" resultType="com.mdsw.authority.entity.ReportMenu"> SELECT id, report_name AS reportName, report_group AS reportGroup, report_url AS reportUrl,report_cdn_url AS reportCdnUrl , active ,hp_active hpActive FROM ( SELECT id, report_name, report_group, report_url,report_cdn_url, active,hp_active, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id) AS RowNumber FROM dict_report_menu WHERE 1=1 <if test="condition.entity !=null "> <if test="condition.entity.reportName !=null and condition.entity.reportName !=''"> AND report_name LIKE '%#{condition.entity.reportName}%' </if> <if test="condition.entity.reportGroup !=null and condition.entity.reportGroup !=''"> AND report_group LIKE '%#{condition.entity.reportGroup}%' </if> <if test="condition.entity.id !=null "> AND id =#{condition.entity.id} </if> </if> <if test="user !=null and user.roleFlag !=null and user.roleFlag ==2"> AND active=1 </if> ) AS T WHERE T.RowNumber BETWEEN (${condition.page}-1)*${condition.limit}+1 AND ${condition.page}*${condition.limit} ORDER BY T.id </select>