时间: 2024-05-23 08:09:25 浏览: 93
The design, based on an actual layered soil cyclic wave barrier model, features a zero-frequency stopband characteristic, and the layered soil helps to widen the surface wave bandgap at lower frequencies.
Based on the periodic wave barrier structure of a layered soil, two surface wave band gaps (as shown in Figure 3a) are generated, located respectively at 0-4.13Hz and 8.78Hz-9.51Hz, with band gap widths of 4.13Hz and 0.73Hz. The first band gap is also known as the zero frequency stop band due to its location near 0Hz.
Translated to academic English: The influences of lead size and embedding depth on zero frequency stopbands in geometric parameters were analyzed, and based on the above research, a dual gradient surface wave barrier was designed to further expand the attenuation range.