时间: 2023-11-30 18:19:38 浏览: 170
1. 基于建筑物结构的路径规划算法:该类算法主要考虑建筑物内部的结构特点,包括走廊、楼梯、电梯等,通过建立建筑物结构模型,计算出最短疏散路径。代表性的算法有A*算法、Dijkstra算法等。
2. 基于人员行为的路径规划算法:该类算法主要考虑人员在火灾疏散过程中的行为特点,包括避让、拥堵等,通过建立人员行为模型,计算出最优疏散路径。代表性的算法有群体行为算法、移动Agent算法等。
3. 基于混合模型的路径规划算法:该类算法将建筑物结构和人员行为两方面因素结合起来考虑,通过建立混合模型,计算出最佳疏散路径。代表性的算法有遗传算法、粒子群算法等。
1. Li, S., & Huang, X. (2019). An evacuation path planning algorithm based on A* and multi-agent system in a large-scale building. Building Simulation, 12(1), 169-181.
2. Liu, Y., Zhang, H., & Ma, X. (2016). A novel evacuation route planning algorithm based on ant colony optimization and game theory. Safety science, 82, 277-285.
3. Ding, J., & Cao, Y. (2018). A multi-objective optimization model for evacuation route planning in large-scale buildings. Building and Environment, 141, 79-88.
4. Wang, D., He, Y., & Tian, X. (2020). Evacuation path planning algorithm based on behavior decision of crowd in emergency. Applied Sciences, 10(11), 3711.
5. Ren, Y., & Chen, Y. (2019). An evacuation path planning algorithm based on the genetic algorithm and fire spread simulation. Fire Technology, 55(3), 897-913.