android ExpandableListView
时间: 2023-12-17 08:02:30 浏览: 99
Android ExpandableListView is a view that is used to display a list of items that can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide associated sub-items. It is a subclass of ListView and provides a user interface similar to a tree view.
The ExpandableListView consists of two types of views: group views and child views. Group views represent the parent items, and child views represent the sub-items associated with each parent item.
To use an ExpandableListView in your Android application, you need to create a custom adapter that extends the BaseExpandableListAdapter class. This adapter provides methods to create and manage the group and child views.
Here are the basic steps to use an ExpandableListView in your Android application:
1. Define the layout for the group and child views.
2. Create a custom adapter by extending BaseExpandableListAdapter.
3. Implement the required methods in the adapter to populate the group and child views.
4. Set the adapter to the ExpandableListView using the setAdapter() method.
Once you have set up the ExpandableListView with your custom adapter, you can handle user events such as clicking on a group view to expand or collapse it, or clicking on a child view to perform some action.
Overall, ExpandableListView is a powerful and flexible view that can be used to display hierarchical data in a user-friendly way.