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好的,以下是一份简单的 Python 代码,用于对点云的 las 文件构建八叉树索引:
import laspy
import numpy as np
from octree import Octree # 使用自己实现的 Octree 类
# 读取 las 文件
inFile = laspy.file.File("input.las", mode="r")
# 将点云数据转换为 Numpy 数组
points = np.vstack((inFile.x, inFile.y, inFile.z)).transpose()
# 构建八叉树
octree = Octree(points)
# 将索引写入 las 文件的新属性中
outFile = laspy.file.File("output.las", mode="w", header=inFile.header)
outFile.define_new_dimension(name="octree_index", data_type=5, description="Octree index")
for i in range(len(points)):
outFile.set_point(i, inFile.x[i], inFile.y[i], inFile.z[i], octree.get_index(points[i]))
其中,`Octree` 类需要自己实现。你可以参考以下代码:
class Octree:
def __init__(self, points, max_depth=8, min_points=10):
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.min_points = min_points
self.root = OctreeNode(points, 0, max_depth, min_points)
def get_index(self, point):
return self.root.get_index(point)
def get_leaf_nodes(self):
return self.root.get_leaf_nodes()
class OctreeNode:
def __init__(self, points, depth, max_depth, min_points):
self.bbox = BoundingBox(points)
self.points = points
self.depth = depth
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.min_points = min_points
self.is_leaf = True
self.children = None
self.index = None
if len(points) > min_points and depth < max_depth:
def split(self):
self.is_leaf = False
self.children = []
for i in range(8):
child_points = self.bbox.get_child_bbox(i).get_points_inside_bbox(self.points)
if len(child_points) > 0:
self.children.append(OctreeNode(child_points, self.depth+1, self.max_depth, self.min_points))
def get_index(self, point):
if self.is_leaf:
if self.index is None:
self.index = self.bbox.get_index(point)
return self.index
for child in self.children:
if child.bbox.contains_point(point):
return child.get_index(point)
def get_leaf_nodes(self):
if self.is_leaf:
return [self]
leaf_nodes = []
for child in self.children:
leaf_nodes += child.get_leaf_nodes()
return leaf_nodes
class BoundingBox:
def __init__(self, points):
self.min_xyz = np.min(points, axis=0)
self.max_xyz = np.max(points, axis=0)
self.center = (self.min_xyz + self.max_xyz) / 2
def contains_point(self, point):
return all(self.min_xyz <= point) and all(point <= self.max_xyz)
def get_child_bbox(self, index):
center = self.center
half_size = (self.max_xyz - self.min_xyz) / 2
if index == 0:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center, center + half_size]))
elif index == 1:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center + np.array([half_size[0], 0, 0]), center + np.array([half_size[0]*2, half_size[1], half_size[2]])]))
elif index == 2:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center + np.array([0, half_size[1], 0]), center + np.array([half_size[0], half_size[1]*2, half_size[2]])]))
elif index == 3:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center + np.array([half_size[0], half_size[1], 0]), center + np.array([half_size[0]*2, half_size[1]*2, half_size[2]])]))
elif index == 4:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center + np.array([0, 0, half_size[2]]), center + np.array([half_size[0], half_size[1], half_size[2]*2])]))
elif index == 5:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center + np.array([half_size[0], 0, half_size[2]]), center + np.array([half_size[0]*2, half_size[1], half_size[2]*2])]))
elif index == 6:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center + np.array([0, half_size[1], half_size[2]]), center + np.array([half_size[0], half_size[1]*2, half_size[2]*2])]))
elif index == 7:
return BoundingBox(np.array([center + half_size, center + half_size*2]))
def get_points_inside_bbox(self, points):
return points[(points[:,0] >= self.min_xyz[0]) & (points[:,0] <= self.max_xyz[0]) &
(points[:,1] >= self.min_xyz[1]) & (points[:,1] <= self.max_xyz[1]) &
(points[:,2] >= self.min_xyz[2]) & (points[:,2] <= self.max_xyz[2])]
def get_index(self, point):
index = 0
if point[0] > self.center[0]:
index |= 1
if point[1] > self.center[1]:
index |= 2
if point[2] > self.center[2]:
index |= 4
return index
这份代码中,我们首先使用 `laspy` 库读取点云 las 文件,然后将点云数据转换为 Numpy 数组。接下来,我们使用 `Octree` 类来构建八叉树,并将每个点的索引写入 las 文件的新属性中。最后,将新的 las 文件保存到磁盘上。
注意,这份代码中的 `Octree` 类实现可能并不完美,你可以根据自己的需求进行修改和优化。