时间: 2023-09-18 19:11:24 浏览: 91
下面是一个示例的汉明码 Matlab 代码,该代码不依赖于 Matlab 的系统函数:
function [codeword, H] = hamming_encode(msg, m)
% msg: input message
% m: number of parity bits
% determine the length of the input message
n = 2^m - 1 - m;
% generate the parity check matrix H
H = generate_H(m);
% pad the message with zeros
msg_pad = [msg zeros(1, n-length(msg))];
% compute the parity bits
p = mod(msg_pad*H', 2);
% concatenate the message and parity bits
codeword = [msg_pad p];
function H = generate_H(m)
% generate the parity check matrix H
% initialize H as an empty matrix
H = [];
% generate the parity check matrix row by row
for i = 0:m-1
% generate the binary representation of i as a row vector
row = dec2bin(i, m) - '0';
% generate the parity check matrix for this row
H_row = [];
for j = 1:m
H_row = [H_row circshift(row, j-1)];
% add the row to the parity check matrix
H = [H; H_row];
该代码实现了汉明码的编码过程,其中输入参数包括消息 msg 和码字长度 m。代码中使用了一个名为 `generate_H()` 的辅助函数,该函数用于生成汉明码的校验矩阵 H。函数的输出结果包括编码后的码字 codeword 和汉明码的校验矩阵 H。