giteeNo supported authentication methods available (server sent:publickey)
时间: 2023-12-24 22:20:15 浏览: 115
giteeNo supported authentication methods available (server sent:publickey)错误提示意味着在使用TortoiseGit工具将gitee项目clone到本地目录时,未找到支持的身份验证方法。为了解决这个问题,可以尝试以下方法:将TortoiseGit工具的SSH客户端修改为git服务器的ssh.exe。
No Supported authentication methods available(server sent: publickey)
This error message usually occurs when trying to connect to a remote server using SSH and the server does not accept the authentication method used by the client.
There are several possible solutions to this issue:
1. Check if the server allows the authentication method used by the client. Common authentication methods include public key, password, and keyboard-interactive.
2. Make sure the correct public key is added to the authorized_keys file on the server. This file should contain the public keys of all the clients that are allowed to connect to the server using SSH.
3. Check if the SSH client is using the correct private key. The private key should match the public key added to the authorized_keys file on the server.
4. Try connecting to the server using a different authentication method, such as password or keyboard-interactive.
5. Check if the SSH server is running on the correct port. The default port for SSH is 22, but some servers may use a different port.
6. Check if the SSH server is configured to allow remote login. Some servers may be configured to only allow local login.
If none of these solutions work, contact the system administrator or the support team for further assistance.
No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
当你遇到"No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)"错误信息时,通常是在通过SSH(Secure Shell)连接到服务器时发生的。这意味着你的客户端没有找到与服务器支持的公钥认证匹配的方式。通常,SSH允许三种基本的认证方式:密码、密钥对(包括公钥和私钥)以及口令挑战。
1. 密码认证:客户端需要输入用户名和密码直接登录。
2. 公钥认证:客户端有一个私钥文件,服务器有一个公钥,客户端使用私钥加密一段随机数据发送给服务器,服务器用其对应的公钥解密验证身份。
3. 口令挑战:服务器可能会要求用户输入一次性口令(如通过电话获取的验证码),与预设的口令文件相匹配。