Im0 = rgb2gray(imread([int2str(i), '.jpg'],'jpg'));
时间: 2024-01-24 20:04:53 浏览: 50
This line of code reads in an image file (in JPEG format) with a file name that is the integer value of the variable i, and converts it from RGB format to grayscale format. The resulting grayscale image is stored in the variable Im0.
%4多目标轴2端点定位 startf=353;endf=1500; for i=startf:1:endf I1 =read(xyloObj,i);%读取每一帧 % figure,imshow(I1); I1=im2double(rgb2gray(I1))-Ibj;%减去背景帧 bw1=im2bw(I1,25/255);%二值化处理,灰度值大于25设置为白色,小于等于25设置为黑色 bwAreaOpenBW =bwareaopen(bw1,10);%将二值图像bw1中的小区域(面积小于等于10个像素)去除,得到一个新的二值图像bwAreaOpenBW。这个操作可以消除二值图像中一些不必要的小区域,保留需要的大区域 [L,n]=bwlabel(bwAreaOpenBW,8); for j=1:1:n [r, c] = find(L==j); rc = [r c]; u=size(r); zhou2=fitlm(rc(:,2),rc(:,1)); %拟合直线 b1(i,j)=zhou2.Coefficients.Estimate(1,1); b2(i,j)=zhou2.Coefficients.Estimate(2,1); minzhi(i,j)=min(rc(:,2)); maxzhi(i,j)=max(rc(:,2)); % y = minzhi(i,j):1:maxzhi(i,j); % x = b1(i,j)+b2(i,j).*y; % plot(y,x);hold on; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2个端点 duan1x(i,j)=b1(i,j)+b2(i,j).*minzhi(i,j); duan1y(i,j)=minzhi(i,j); duan2x(i,j)=b1(i,j)+b2(i,j).*maxzhi(i,j); duan2y(i,j)=maxzhi(i,j); % plot(minzhi,b1+b2.*minzhi,'r*');hold on; % plot(maxzhi,b1+b2.*maxzhi,'r*');hold on; end end帮我改为vs的程序,用opencv库
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main() {
int startf = 353, endf = 1500; // 起始和结束帧数
Mat Ibj = imread("background.jpg"); // 读取背景帧
Mat I1, bw1, bwAreaOpenBW, L;
vector<vector<Point>> contours;
for (int i = startf; i <= endf; i++) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "test" << i << ".jpg"; // 读取当前帧
I1 = imread(ss.str());
Mat gray;
cvtColor(I1, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
gray.convertTo(gray, CV_64F);
gray -= Ibj; // 减去背景帧
threshold(gray, bw1, 25, 255, THRESH_BINARY); // 二值化处理
morphologyEx(bw1, bwAreaOpenBW, MORPH_OPEN, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 1); // 开运算
int n = connectedComponents(bwAreaOpenBW, L); // 连通区域标记
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
Mat temp = Mat::zeros(L.rows, L.cols, CV_8UC1);
for (int r = 0; r < L.rows; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < L.cols; c++) {
if (<int>(r, c) == j) {<uchar>(r, c) = 255;
findContours(temp, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); // 查找轮廓
if (contours[0].size() < 10) continue; // 去除小轮廓
RotatedRect rect = fitEllipse(contours[0]); // 拟合椭圆
Point2f points[4];
rect.points(points); // 获取旋转矩形的四个顶点
float k = (points[1].y - points[0].y) / (points[1].x - points[0].x); // 计算斜率
float b = points[0].y - k * points[0].x; // 计算截距
int minzhi = min(points[0].x, points[1].x);
int maxzhi = max(points[0].x, points[1].x);
Point2f duan1(minzhi, k * minzhi + b); // 第一个端点
Point2f duan2(maxzhi, k * maxzhi + b); // 第二个端点
line(I1, duan1, duan2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2); // 绘制直线
imshow("image", I1);
return 0;