MATLAB中用如下声明function distance = grassfire (occupancy, dest_row, dest_col)完成grassfire算法
时间: 2024-03-23 21:43:48 浏览: 92
`grassfire` 函数是一个基于距离变换的图像分割算法,用于计算给定目标点 `(dest_row, dest_col)` 与其他像素之间的距离。下面是一个函数声明和注释,用于在 Matlab 中实现该算法:
function distance = grassfire(occupancy, dest_row, dest_col)
% GRASSFIRE Distance transform using the grassfire algorithm.
% distance = GRASSFIRE(occupancy, dest_row, dest_col) computes the
% distance transform of a binary occupancy grid using the grassfire
% algorithm. The result is a matrix of the same size as the input matrix,
% where each element represents the distance from the destination point
% (dest_row, dest_col) to the corresponding pixel in the input occupancy
% grid. The input matrix occupancy should contain binary values, where 1
% represents an occupied pixel and 0 represents a free pixel.
% Initialize the distance matrix to infinity
distance = inf(size(occupancy));
% Set the distance of the destination point to 0
distance(dest_row, dest_col) = 0;
% Initialize the queue with the destination point
queue = [dest_row, dest_col];
% Process the queue until it is empty
while ~isempty(queue)
% Get the next pixel from the queue
pixel = queue(1, :);
queue(1, :) = [];
% Get the neighbors of the current pixel
neighbors = get_neighbors(pixel, size(occupancy));
% Update the distance of each neighbor if it is shorter than the
% current distance
for i = 1:size(neighbors, 1)
neighbor = neighbors(i, :);
if occupancy(neighbor(1), neighbor(2)) == 0 && ...
distance(neighbor(1), neighbor(2)) > distance(pixel(1), pixel(2)) + 1
distance(neighbor(1), neighbor(2)) = distance(pixel(1), pixel(2)) + 1;
queue(end+1, :) = neighbor;
在这个函数中,输入参数 `occupancy` 是一个二值图像,表示占据情况,其中 1 表示占据,0 表示空闲。`dest_row` 和 `dest_col` 是目标点的行坐标和列坐标。输出结果 `distance` 是与每个像素到目标点的距离对应的距离矩阵。
- 初始化距离矩阵为无穷大;
- 将目标点的距离设置为0,并将其添加到队列中;
- 处理队列中的每个像素,计算其相邻像素的距离,并更新距离矩阵和队列;
- 重复步骤3,直到队列为空。
在处理队列时,函数使用了 `get_neighbors` 函数来获取当前像素的相邻像素。`get_neighbors` 函数的实现如下:
function neighbors = get_neighbors(pixel, size)
% GET_NEIGHBORS Get the neighbors of a pixel in an image.
% neighbors = GET_NEIGHBORS(pixel, size) computes the neighbors of a
% pixel in an image of size `size`. The input argument `pixel` is a
% 1x2 vector representing the row and column indices of the pixel. The
% output `neighbors` is a 2xN matrix, where N is the number of neighbors,
% and each column represents the row and column indices of a neighbor.
% Define the offsets for the neighbors
offsets = [
-1, -1;
-1, 0;
-1, 1;
0, -1;
0, 1;
1, -1;
1, 0;
1, 1;
% Compute the row and column indices of the neighbors
row = pixel(1) + offsets(:, 1);
col = pixel(2) + offsets(:, 2);
% Find the neighbors within the image boundaries
idx = row >= 1 & row <= size(1) & col >= 1 & col <= size(2);
neighbors = [row(idx), col(idx)]';
该函数根据像素的行列坐标计算出其相邻像素的行列坐标,并返回一个二维矩阵 `neighbors`,其中每一列都是一个相邻像素的行列坐标。