时间: 2023-11-16 19:26:18 浏览: 81
Python Guessing Game
Python Guessing Game is a simple game that allows the player to guess a number between 1 and 100. The computer generates a random number and the player has to guess the number. The game provides hints to the player, telling them whether their guess is higher or lower than the generated number. The player has a limited number of tries to guess the number correctly.
The game is a good example of using random numbers, conditionals, and loops in Python. It is also a fun way to practice programming and problem-solving skills.
To play the game, the player first needs to import the random module in Python. Then, the computer generates a random number using the randint() function from the random module. The player then enters their guess, which is compared to the generated number using if-else statements. If the guess is too high or too low, the game provides a hint. The game continues until the player guesses the correct number or runs out of guesses.
Overall, the Python Guessing Game is a great way to get started with Python programming and learn the basics of conditional statements, loops, and random number generation.