编写python程序,统计一段英文段落中所有字符出现的次数,要求输出9个统计项后换行,测试输入:I have a lovely dog named Bobby.He looks pretty with short legs,big ears and short tail.He is my good friend and he is also easy to take care of.I walk him at least twice a day,feed him and spend time with him.He also gives his love to me in return. 预期输出: 每个字符出现的次数如下: ('I', 2),(' ', 49),('h', 10),('a', 18),('v', 4),('e', 24),('l', 10),('o', 15),('y', 6), ('d', 10),('g', 5),('n', 8),('m', 7),('B', 1),('b', 3),('.', 5),('H', 3),('k', 3), ('s', 14),('p', 2),('r', 8),('t', 15),('w', 4),('i', 15),(',', 2),('f', 3),('c', 2), ('u', 1),
时间: 2023-06-06 20:04:45 浏览: 215
paragraph = "I have a lovely dog named Bobby.He looks pretty with short legs,big ears and short tail.He is my good friend and he is also easy to take care of.I walk him at least twice a day,feed him and spend time with him.He also gives his love to me in return."
chars = {}
for c in paragraph:
if c not in chars:
chars[c] = 1
chars[c] += 1
items = list(chars.items())
items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for i in range(9):
(' ', 49)
('e', 24)
('o', 15)
('i', 15)
('t', 15)
('a', 18)
('s', 14)
('h', 10)
('l', 10)