@auth.get_password def get_password(username): if username=='wuya': return 'admin' return None
时间: 2024-05-21 15:11:30 浏览: 120
This is a Python function that is designed to be used as a decorator for a Flask route that requires authentication. It takes a username as an argument and returns the corresponding password if the username is valid. In this example, the function checks if the username is "wuya" and returns the password "admin" if it is. Otherwise, it returns None, indicating that the username is invalid. This function is used to authenticate users before they can access certain routes in a Flask application.
源代码如下: def login(request): result={'login':False,'message':'','sessionid':''} useremail = request.data['email'] password = request.data['password'] user = None try: user=User.objects.get(email=useremail) except Exception as ex: result['message'] = RUserService.user_not_exists if user is not None: authed_user = authenticate(username=user.username, password=password) if authed_user is not None: if authed_user.is_active: auth_login(request, authed_user) UserService.add_user_extendinfo(authed_user) result['login'] = True result['sessionid'] = authed_user.get_session_auth_hash() else: result['message'] = RUserService.user_not_active else: result['message'] = RUserService.user_password_incorrect return result
这是一个 Django 框架的视图函数,用于处理用户登录请求。函数接受一个 HTTP 请求对象作为参数,从中获取用户提交的登录信息,然后进行验证和处理。如果用户输入的邮箱不存在,则返回错误信息;如果用户存在但密码不正确,则返回密码错误信息;如果用户密码验证通过,则登录成功,并添加用户扩展信息,并返回一个包含登录状态、消息和会话ID的字典。