时间: 2023-12-28 10:06:15 浏览: 284
锐捷 passive-interface VLAN 20
在锐捷网络设备中,`passive-interface VLAN 20` 这个命令是用来关闭特定VLAN(在这个例子中是VLAN 20)的出方向数据包处理功能。当一个接口被配置为被动模式,它不会主动发送任何数据包,但仍然会接收并转发从该接口收到的数据,这对于某些场景下节约CPU资源、减少网络开销或者防止接口成为攻击目标是有用的。
例如,如果你想要隔离VLAN 20的通信,并且只让其内部的流量流动,而不参与主动的数据包生成(如ARP应答、DHCP回应等),则可以在相应接口的配置中添加这一项:
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
no switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
no switchport mode trunk
no switchport
switchport access vlan 20
passive-interface VLAN 20
这会将接口设置为访问模式,仅用于接入VLAN 20,而VLAN 20的数据包将会按照普通的方式处理,直到遇到下一个启用数据包处理功能的接口。
passive-interface vlan
"passive-interface vlan" is a command used in Cisco IOS to configure a VLAN interface to be passive for the purpose of routing protocols. When an interface is passive, it will not send any routing updates but will still receive them. This can be useful when you want to control the flow of routing information in your network.
For example, if you have a router that is connected to multiple VLANs and is running a routing protocol such as OSPF, you can configure the VLAN interfaces that you don't want to participate in the routing process as passive. This will prevent unnecessary routing updates from being sent on those interfaces, which can help reduce network congestion and improve performance.