时间: 2024-11-16 14:20:45 浏览: 7
To calculate Traveler's Perception of Quality (TPI), a measure that reflects the overall satisfaction of travelers with their journey, you can consider factors like weather conditions, holidays, and traffic patterns. Here's a simplified Python code snippet to illustrate how you might approach this problem using historical data:
首先, 假设我们有天气数据(wt_data), 节假日数据(holiday_data), 平均速度(avg_speed), 车流量(traffic_volume)等列:
# 假设dataframe名为df,包含了上述数据
import pandas as pd
def calculate_tpi(weather_df, holiday_df, speed_df):
:param weather_df: 天气数据(包含日期和天气条件)
:param holiday_df: 节假日数据(包含日期)
:param speed_df: 平均速度和车流量数据(包含日期和对应指标)
:return: TPI值
# 将数据按日期对齐并合并
merged_df = pd.merge(pd.merge(weather_df, holiday_df, on='date'), speed_df, on='date')
# 计算因天气和节假日影响的速度降低因子
weather_factor = merged_df['weather_condition'].map({
'good': 1.0,
'bad': 0.8, # 假设坏天气下速度降低20%
... # 其他天气情况及其对应影响系数
holiday_factor = merged_df['is_holiday'].astype(int).map({True: 0.9, False: 1.0}) # 假设假日速度降低10%
# 根据车流量和速度计算TPI(这里以速度减少的百分比作为基础,假设TPI与速度降低成反比)
tpi = 1 - ((speed_df['avg_speed'] * (1 - holiday_factor * weather_factor)) / speed_df['base_speed']) # base_speed是正常情况下预期的速度
return tpi.mean()
# 示例计算
tpi_value = calculate_tpi(df_weather, df_holidays, df_traffic)