时间: 2023-11-25 20:00:41 浏览: 109
QRC.rar_matlab代码大全_边缘提取 MATLAB
以下是一份简单的点云空洞边缘提取 Matlab 代码:
% Load point cloud data
ptCloud = pcread('pointcloud.ply');
% Segment out the ground plane
groundPlane = pcfitplane(ptCloud, 0.01);
ptCloudSeg = select(ptCloud, findPointsWithinROI(ptCloud, groundPlane, 0.1));
% Remove NaN points
ptCloudSeg = removeInvalidPoints(ptCloudSeg);
% Compute normals
normals = pcnormals(ptCloudSeg);
% Compute curvature
curvature = pccurvatures(ptCloudSeg, normals);
% Threshold curvature values
threshold = 0.05;
curvatureThresh = curvature > threshold;
% Dilate the binary image
se = strel('sphere', 5);
curvatureThresh = imdilate(curvatureThresh, se);
% Fill holes in the binary image
curvatureThresh = imfill(curvatureThresh, 'holes');
% Erode the binary image
curvatureThresh = imerode(curvatureThresh, se);
% Find edges of the binary image
edges = edge(curvatureThresh, 'Canny');
% Display results
subplot(1,2,1); pcshow(ptCloudSeg); title('Original Point Cloud');
subplot(1,2,2); imshow(edges); title('Edges of Curvature Thresholded Point Cloud');
该代码首先加载点云数据,然后通过拟合平面来分割出地面。接着,它计算点云中每个点的法线和曲率,并对曲率值进行阈值化处理。然后,它通过膨胀、填充和侵蚀操作来提取出空洞的边缘,并最终使用 Canny 算子找到这些边缘。最后,它显示了原始点云和空洞边缘的结果图像。