! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
时间: 2023-08-19 07:12:05 浏览: 98
1. 检查你是否有足够的权限进行推送操作。如果你不是该仓库的拥有者或者没有写入权限,你将无法推送更改。联系仓库管理员或者拥有者以获取更多信息。
2. 检查是否有其他规则限制了推送操作。某些仓库可能设置了特定的规则,如分支保护规则或提交钩子,限制了推送操作。你可以与仓库管理员沟通并了解是否有此类限制。
3. 检查你的本地仓库是否与远程仓库同步。在推送之前,确保你的本地仓库已经拉取了最新的更改,并且与远程仓库保持同步。可以使用 `git pull` 命令来获取最新的更改。
remote rejected master->master pre-receive hook declined
当您尝试将更改推送到Git仓库的`master`分支时,遇到"remote rejected master->master pre-receive hook declined"错误,这意味着仓库的钩子系统(pre-receive hook)拒绝了您的提交。pre-receive hook是一个自定义脚本,通常在接收远程推送之前运行,可以检查一系列条件,如提交规范、合并策略等。如果钩子检测到不符合要求的内容,它会返回一个错误并阻止推送。
1. 您试图合并的分支不是clean状态,即存在未解决的冲突或未提交的改动。
2. 钩子设置了特定的合并规则,比如要求Pull Request流程,而直接push不允许。
3. 提交信息不符合团队约定的格式或者包含敏感词汇。
要解决这个问题,您可以按照错误提示调整本地提交,解决冲突(如果有),清理暂存区,或者根据钩子设置的规则操作。如果是合并规则导致的,你需要创建Pull Request来进行合并。
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
This error message indicates that the push to the remote repository was rejected by a pre-receive hook. Pre-receive hooks are scripts that are executed on the remote repository before accepting any new changes.
There could be several reasons why the pre-receive hook declined the push, such as:
- The changes being pushed violate certain rules or policies set by the repository owner or administrator.
- The push contains conflicts with other changes already pushed to the repository.
- The push contains files that are too large or have prohibited file extensions.
To resolve this issue, you need to check with the repository owner or administrator to see why the pre-receive hook declined your push. They may be able to provide more information on what caused the rejection and what you can do to fix it.