(New String split method) The split method in the String class returns an array of strings consisting of the substrings split by the delimiters. However, the delimiters are not returned. Implement the following new method that returns an array of strings consisting the substrings split by the matching delimiters, including the matching delimiters. public static String[] split(String s, String regex) For example, split(“ab#12#453”, “#”) returns ab,#,12,#,453 in an array of String, and split(“a?b?gf#e”,”[?#]”) returns a, ?, b, ?, gf, #, and e in an array of String.写java代码
时间: 2024-03-07 12:47:11 浏览: 320
public static String[] split(String s, String regex) {
// Escape regex meta-characters
regex = regex.replaceAll("[\\[\\](){}+*?^$|\\\\]", "\\\\$0");
// Use regex to split the string and keep the delimiters
return s.split("(?<=(" + regex + "))|(?=(" + regex + "))");
这个方法首先需要将 `regex` 中的正则表达式元字符进行转义,以避免在 `split` 方法调用时出现错误。然后,使用正则表达式将字符串分割并保留分割符。这里使用了正则表达式的“正向零宽断言”和“正向零宽预测”,即在匹配分隔符的位置插入空字符串来保留分隔符。最后,返回包含分割后的子字符串和分隔符的字符串数组。
strings.Split is a built-in function in Go that is used to split a string into substrings based on a specified delimiter. It returns a slice of strings where each element is a substring separated by the delimiter. Here's an example:
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "apple,banana,grape,orange"
elements := strings.Split(str, ",")
fmt.Println(elements) // Output: ["apple" "banana" "grape" "orange"]
In the above example, the `strings.Split` function is used to split the `str` variable into substrings using the comma (",") as the delimiter. The resulting substrings are stored in the `elements` slice, which is then printed to the console. Each element in the slice represents a separated substring.
String attendanceid = s.split("=")[1]
This line of code is extracting the value of the attendance ID from a string "s" that is in the format "key=value".
The "split" method splits the string into an array of two strings, using the "=" character as the separator. The second element of the array (index 1), which contains the value of the attendance ID, is then assigned to the variable "attendanceid".