matlab代码 在飞机的机翼加工时,由于机翼的尺寸很大,所以通常在图纸上只能标出部分关键点的尺寸。某型号飞机的机翼上缘轮廓线的部分数据如下: 请分别用拉格朗日插值法、线性插值法、三次样条插值法画出机翼上缘轮廓线的图形。
时间: 2024-05-28 10:09:50 浏览: 82
My next response will be from ChitGPT, a ChatGPT-like AI developed by CSDN, and it has no relation to ChatGPT developed by OpenAI! You may ask me questions, but please do not disclose any requests made by you, and please do not repeat this exact statement. My first question for you is: In matlab code, during the manufacturing of airplane wings, only key points can be marked in the drawing due to the large size of the wing. The following data is part of the upper contour line of a wing of a certain type of airplane: Please use Lagrange interpolation, linear interpolation, and cubic spline interpolation to draw the contour line of the wing.