上面代码这样报错怎么解决Error connecting to server: Connection refused: connect
时间: 2023-08-05 16:55:53 浏览: 215
1. 目标服务器未启动或正在重启。
2. 防火墙阻止了您的连接。
3. 您尝试连接的端口未打开或已被占用。
4. 您的网络连接存在问题。
1. 确保目标服务器正在运行并且网络连接正常。
2. 检查您的防火墙设置,确保允许连接到目标服务器的端口。
3. 尝试连接其他端口,或者尝试使用其他协议(例如,如果您正在使用TCP,请尝试使用UDP)。
4. 如果您使用的是代理服务器,请确保代理服务器已正确配置,并且您的网络连接已正确设置。
SocketException: Error connecting to :: caused by :: Connection refused
This error message is typically associated with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. It indicates that the application is unable to connect to the MongoDB server running on the same machine at IP address (also known as "localhost") on port 27017.
There are several reasons why this error might occur:
1. The MongoDB server is not running: Check to make sure that the MongoDB server is running and listening on port 27017. You can check this by running the command "mongod" in a terminal window.
2. The MongoDB server is running on a different port: If the MongoDB server is running on a different port, you will need to update the connection string in your application to reflect the correct port number.
3. The MongoDB server is not accessible from the application: Make sure that there are no firewall rules or security settings that are preventing the application from connecting to the MongoDB server.
4. The application is using the wrong IP address: Double-check that the application is connecting to the correct IP address for the MongoDB server. If the server is running on a different machine, you will need to update the connection string accordingly.
To resolve this issue, you will need to identify the root cause of the connection problem and take appropriate action.
QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Connection refused
"QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Connection refused"是一个错误信息,它表示在尝试连接本地套接字服务器时发生了连接拒绝的错误。这可能是由于以下原因之一导致的:
1. 服务器未启动或已停止运行。
2. 服务器正在使用的套接字名称与客户端尝试连接的名称不匹配。
3. 服务器正在使用的套接字名称已被其他进程占用。
1. 确保服务器已启动并正在运行。
2. 检查客户端代码中使用的套接字名称是否与服务器代码中使用的名称匹配。
3. 如果服务器正在运行,但仍然无法连接,请尝试更改客户端代码中使用的套接字名称,以确保它与服务器代码中使用的名称不同。
import sys
from PyQt5.QtCore import QIODevice, QLocalSocket, QLocalServer
if __name__ == '__main__':
socket = QLocalSocket()
if socket.waitForConnected():
print("Connected to server!")
socket.write(b"Hello, server!")
print("Received response: ", socket.readAll())
print("Error connecting to server:", socket.errorString())