rebase onto remote 与 drop local commits
时间: 2023-05-10 07:02:24 浏览: 2016
rebase onto remote 与 drop local commits是git版本控制系统中两种不同的操作。rebase onto remote是将本地分支与远程分支同步,以便在本地修改后能够在团队中分享更好的协作结果。drop local commits是移除本地提交,此操作可能导致部分修改的丢失或撤销。
首先,rebase onto remote是一个非常有效的协作方法,用于保持本地分支与远程分支的同步。它的作用在于,当一个团队成员已更改远程分支,而另一个团队成员也在本地修改同一分支时,rebase onto remote会将两个版本协调一致,从而减少合并冲突和复杂的协作问题。
其次,drop local commits是一种不常用的操作,因为它会使某些更改丢失或撤回。不过,在某些情况下,这可能是必需的,例如,当您不希望将某些更改包含在您的提交中,或者您需要回滚您的本地分支以恢复到之前良好运行的状态时,此操作就可以派上用场。
总的来说,rebase onto remote比drop local commits更有用和普遍应用。通过rebase onto remote,不仅可以将本地分支与团队成员协同工作,还可以减少冲突和难以协调的问题。当然,对于特定的情况,drop local commits也是一个有用的工具,但需要谨慎使用,以免导致不必要的修改丢失。
rebase onto remote
rebase onto remote是将本地分支与远程分支进行合并的操作。具体来说,它会将本地分支的提交记录重新应用到远程分支的最新提交记录上,从而使本地分支与远程分支保持同步。这样做可以避免出现分支冲突,同时也可以保持提交历史的清晰和有序。
Local branch 'develop' has commits that do not exist in 'origin/develop'. Rebase 'develop' onto 'origin/develop', or drop local commits?
It depends on what you want to achieve. If you have made local commits that are not yet pushed to the remote repository and you want to keep them, then you should rebase your local branch 'develop' onto the remote branch 'origin/develop'. This will apply your local commits on top of the remote branch, preserving your changes while also bringing in any changes made by others on the remote branch.
If you do not care about the local commits and just want to start fresh with the remote branch, then you can drop the local commits and reset your local branch to match the remote branch using the command:
git reset --hard origin/develop
This will discard any local commits and make your local branch identical to the remote branch.