Type 'string | null' is not assignable to type 'string'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'.
时间: 2023-09-25 10:13:46 浏览: 223
这个错误是 TypeScript 编译器给出的类型错误提示。它表明你正在将一个类型为 'string | null' 的值赋值给一个类型为 'string' 的变量,但是 'null' 是不能赋值给 'string' 类型的。
为了解决这个问题,你可以使用类型断言来告诉编译器该变量一定不会为 null,或者你可以在赋值之前进行 null 检查。
1. 使用类型断言:
let myString: string = getStringValue(); // 假设 getStringValue() 返回类型为 'string | null'
myString = getStringValue() as string; // 使用类型断言将其转换为 'string'
2. 进行 null 检查:
let myString: string = getStringValue(); // 假设 getStringValue() 返回类型为 'string | null'
if (myString !== null) {
// 只有当 myString 不为 null 时才进行赋值
myString = getStringValue();
报错信息TS2322: Type 'string | null' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'.
这个错误信息是 TypeScript 编译器在编译代码时给出的,它的意思是你在给一个类型为 `string | undefined` 的变量赋值时,使用了一个类型为 `string | null` 的值,而 TypeScript 认为这是不允许的,因为 `null` 不是 `undefined`。
1. 将变量的类型改为 `string | null | undefined`,这样就可以直接给变量赋值为 `null` 了。
2. 在给变量赋值时,使用 null 判断或者非空断言操作符(!)来明确告诉 TypeScript 这个值不可能为 null 或 undefined,比如:
const str: string | undefined = null;
// 报错
const str2: string | undefined = str;
// 正确
const str3: string | undefined = str || undefined;
const str4: string | undefined = str!;
Argument of type 'string | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'.
This error message is saying that you are trying to pass a value of type 'string | null' (meaning the variable can be either a string or null) to a function that expects a parameter of type 'string' (meaning the variable must be a string).
The problem is that null is not a valid value for a string parameter, so TypeScript is giving you an error to prevent you from passing null where a string is expected.
To fix this error, you need to make sure that the variable you are passing to the function is always a string and not null. You can do this by checking for null before passing the variable to the function, or by using a non-null assertion operator (!) to tell TypeScript that you are sure the variable is not null.