SELECT inc.incidents_id, DATE_FORMAT(inc.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') days, COUNT(inc.incidents_id) FROM soc_data.incidents inc JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon ON inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id GROUP BY days ASC > 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ASC' at line 3 > 时间: 0.022s
时间: 2024-02-21 11:00:54 浏览: 155
这个错误提示告诉我们 ASC 关键字的位置有误,应该放在 COUNT 函数的后面。您需要将 ASC 关键字放在 COUNT 函数的后面,如下所示:
SELECT inc.incidents_id, DATE_FORMAT(inc.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') days, COUNT(inc.incidents_id)
FROM soc_data.incidents inc JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon ON inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id
ORDER BY COUNT(inc.incidents_id) ASC
这样,查询语句就可以正常执行了。注意,我在修改查询语句时添加了一个 ORDER BY 子句,以便按照 COUNT 函数的结果进行排序。
SELECT inc.incidents_id,DATE_FORMAT(inc.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') days,COUNT(inc.incidents_id) FROM soc_data.incidents inc JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon where inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id GROUP BY days asc > 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'asc' at line 5 > 时间: 0.131s
根据错误提示,这个 SQL 查询语句有语法错误,错误位于 GROUP BY 子句之后的 "asc"。GROUP BY 子句应该是按照列名来分组的,而 "asc" 不是列名,所以会报错。您需要指定一个列名来替代 "days",例如:
SELECT inc.incidents_id, DATE_FORMAT(inc.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') days, COUNT(inc.incidents_id)
FROM soc_data.incidents inc JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon ON inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id
这样,查询语句就可以正常执行了。注意,我在修改查询语句时添加了一个 ON 条件来连接 incidents 和 incidents_monitor 表,因为在原始查询语句中没有指定如何连接这两个表。
SELECT 0,sum(number) from ( SELECT inc.disposal_result as results, COUNT() as number FROM soc_data.incidents inc JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon ON inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id WHERE inc.disposal_result IS NOT NULL and inc.disposal_result ='3' GROUP BY results) a UNION ALL SELECT 1,sum(number) from ( SELECT inc.disposal_result as results, COUNT() as number FROM soc_data.incidents inc JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon ON inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id WHERE inc.disposal_result IS NOT NULL and inc.disposal_result !='3' GROUP BY results) b 优化sql保证输出的结果为 第一行 0,结果,第二行 1,结果
可以尝试使用如下的 SQL 语句进行优化:
SELECT 0, SUM(CASE WHEN inc.disposal_result = '3' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS result_0
FROM soc_data.incidents inc
JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon ON inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id
WHERE inc.disposal_result IS NOT NULL;
SELECT 1, SUM(CASE WHEN inc.disposal_result != '3' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS result_1
FROM soc_data.incidents inc
JOIN soc_data.incidents_monitor mon ON inc.incidents_id = mon.incidents_id
WHERE inc.disposal_result IS NOT NULL;
这里使用了 `CASE WHEN` 语句来计算符合条件的数量,避免了使用子查询的开销,从而提高了查询效率。同时,将 `GROUP BY` 语句去掉,也可以减少查询时间。