..\OBJ\PWM.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI_Init (referred from bsp_exti.o).
时间: 2023-06-18 13:08:00 浏览: 317
首先,你需要确定 `EXTI_Init` 函数在哪个库文件中定义。然后,你需要将该库文件添加到项目中,并在代码中包含相关的头文件。
另外,你也可以尝试重新编译库文件,以确保其中包含了 `EXTI_Init` 函数的定义。
..\OBJ\PWM.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI_ClearITPendingBit (referred from exti.o).
This error message is indicating that the linker was unable to find a definition for the symbol "EXTI_ClearITPendingBit", which is being referred to in the "exti.o" object file. This symbol is most likely a function or variable that is defined in another source file, but has not been included in the build process.
To resolve this issue, you will need to ensure that the source file containing the definition for "EXTI_ClearITPendingBit" is included in your build process. This may require adding additional source files to your project or modifying your build settings to include the necessary files. Alternatively, you may need to check that the function or variable is properly declared and defined in the source file where it is used.
..\OBJ\LED.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol EXTI_Init (referred from exti.o).
1. 确保在代码中包含了正确的头文件,以便编译器能够找到函数或变量的声明。
2. 检查是否正确链接了相关的库文件。如果"EXTI_Init"函数来自于外部库,确保将该库文件正确地链接到项目中。
3. 检查是否正确实现了"EXTI_Init"函数。如果该函数是您自己编写的,确保在代码中正确地定义和实现了该函数。
4. 如果以上步骤都没有解决问题,可能需要检查编译器或开发环境的设置,确保正确配置了相关的编译选项和链接选项。