2psk verilog
时间: 2023-08-30 13:01:07 浏览: 113
2PSK是指二进制相移键控(Binary Phase Shift Keying)的简称,是一种数字通信中常用的调制方式。Verilog是一种硬件描述语言,常用于数字电路设计和硬件描述。
2PSK Verilog
以下是一个简单的 2PSK 调制器的 Verilog 代码示例:
module psk2(input clk, input [7:0] data, input reset, output reg tx_out);
parameter SYMBOL_RATE = 1000000; // 符号速率为 1 MHz
parameter CARRIER_FREQ = 2000000; // 载波频率为 2 MHz
parameter SAMPLE_RATE = 8000000; // 采样速率为 8 MHz
reg [31:0] phase_accumulator;
reg [31:0] sample_counter;
reg [31:0] symbol_counter;
assign tx_out = (phase_accumulator[31] == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // 输出调制信号
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
phase_accumulator <= 0;
sample_counter <= 0;
symbol_counter <= 0;
end else begin
phase_accumulator <= phase_accumulator + ((data << 1) - 1) * ((CARRIER_FREQ << 1) / SYMBOL_RATE); // 更新相位累加器
sample_counter <= sample_counter + (SAMPLE_RATE / SYMBOL_RATE); // 更新采样计数器
if (sample_counter >= SYMBOL_RATE) begin
symbol_counter <= symbol_counter + 1; // 更新符号计数器
sample_counter <= sample_counter - SYMBOL_RATE;
该模块的输入包括时钟信号 `clk`、8 位数据 `data`、复位信号 `reset`,以及一个单比特的输出 `tx_out`,代表了 2PSK 调制信号。在此代码中,采样速率、符号速率和载波频率被定义为参数,以便于进行调整。该模块使用一个相位累加器来计算调制信号的相位,采用符号计数器和采样计数器来更新相位累加器。最后,根据相位累加器的最高位输出调制信号。
8psk verilog
8PSK (8-Phase Shift Keying) is a modulation scheme commonly used in digital communication systems. If you are looking for Verilog code to implement 8PSK modulation and demodulation, I can provide you with a basic example.
Here is a simple Verilog code snippet for 8PSK modulation:
module PSK_8_mod(
input wire [2:0] data_in,
output wire [1:0] mod_out
always @*
3'b000: mod_out = 2'b00;
3'b001: mod_out = 2'b01;
3'b010: mod_out = 2'b11;
3'b011: mod_out = 2'b10;
3'b100: mod_out = 2'b01;
3'b101: mod_out = 2'b10;
3'b110: mod_out = 2'b00;
3'b111: mod_out = 2'b11;
default: mod_out = 2'b00; // Handle invalid input
This module takes a 3-bit input `data_in` and outputs the corresponding 2-bit modulation signal `mod_out`. The input values represent the symbols in the 8PSK constellation.
For the demodulation of the received signals, you would typically need additional components such as phase detectors or matched filters. The exact implementation details would depend on your specific system requirements.
Keep in mind that this is just a basic example, and there may be more complex techniques or optimizations depending on your specific application.