时间: 2024-10-17 14:12:00 浏览: 55
在OpenCASCADE Technology (OCCT) 中,处理几何实体如内圆柱和外圆柱通常涉及使用BRepAlgo库中的函数。判断一个圆柱体是否完全包含另一个圆柱体,可以分为两个步骤:
1. **获取BRep描述**:首先,你需要将你的圆柱体转换为Brep表示,即边界表示(Boundary Representation),这通常由Shape::wires()方法完成。
TopoDS_Shape innerCylinder = ...; // 内圆柱体
TopoDS_Wire innerWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(innerCylinder). Wire();
TopoDS_Shape outerCylinder = ...; // 外圆柱体
TopoDS_Wire outerWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(outerCylinder). Wire();
2. **相交检查**:然后,你可以使用BRepAlgo工具来比较这两个wire。如果外部圆柱的边界(`outerWire`)完全包围内部圆柱的边界(`innerWire`),则它们之间不会有公共点,这表明外部圆柱是封闭的。
BRepTools::MakeBooleanResult result = BRepAlgoAPI_Boolean(outerWire, innerWire);
if (result.IsOutside()) {
std::cout << "Outer cylinder is outside the inner one." << std::endl;
} else if (result.IsInside()) {
std::cout << "Inner cylinder is inside the outer one." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "The cylinders are not fully contained by each other." << std::endl;