the attention mask is not set and cannot be inferred from input because pad
时间: 2024-08-16 08:04:03 浏览: 2061
注意力掩码在自然语言处理(NLP)中是一个重要的概念,尤其是在Transformer模型中,如BERT、BART等。它主要用于Transformer编码器处理序列数据时,区分哪些位置是有效的输入,哪些是填充(pad)的部分。当遇到"the attention mask is not set and cannot be inferred from input because pad"这种情况,意味着模型没有接收到用于确定哪些部分应该被忽略(通常是padding)的明确指示。
翻译:Description elaborate creates a design hierarchy consisting of a top level design and its referenced subdesigns from the read Verilog/SystemVerilog modules or VHDL entity and architectures. If the top level design is not specified it elaborates all the modules not instantiated by any other module as top level and elaborates them all along with their referenced subdesigns. Elaborate transforms each module/architecture to be represented as a design in the form of a structural netlist. It also performs semantic checking, sequential register (flops/latches) inferencing and high level HDL optimizations. Instances of undefined modules/entities are marked as unresolved and the corresponding modules/entities reported as blackboxes. Users may set the attribute hdl_error_on_latch to true, to error out for latches inferred during elaborate; set the attribute "hdl_error_on_blackbox" to true, to error out for blackboxes during elaborate. The command returns the directory path to the top-level design(s) that it creates. Note: Before elaborating a design, load your library using the library attribute and load your design using the read_hdl command into the Genus shell.
描述:elaborate创建一个设计层次结构,由顶层设计和其引用的子设计组成,从读取的Verilog/SystemVerilog模块或VHDL实体和体系结构中。如果未指定顶层设计,则将所有未由任何其他模块实例化的模块作为顶层进行展开,并展开它们以及其引用的子设计。Elaborate将每个模块/体系结构转换为以结构化网表形式表示的设计。它还执行语义检查、顺序寄存器(flops/latches)推理和高级HDL优化。未定义模块/实体的实例标记为未解决,并报告相应的模块/实体为黑箱。用户可以将属性hdl_error_on_latch设置为true,在展开期间对推断的锁存器报错;将属性"hdl_error_on_blackbox"设置为true,在展开期间对黑箱报错。该命令返回目录路径,指向它创建的顶层设计。注意:在展开设计之前,请使用library属性加载库,并使用read_hdl命令将设计加载到Genus shell中。
System.InvalidOperationException:“Action 'CrudSecond.Controllers.OrderController.Insert (CrudSecond)' has more than one parameter that was specified or inferred as bound from request body. Only one parameter per action may be bound from body. Inspect the following parameters, and use 'FromQueryAttribute' to specify bound from query, 'FromRouteAttribute' to specify bound from route, and 'FromBodyAttribute' for parameters to be bound from body: Customer c List<Vehicle> vehicles List<DeviceMiddle> deviceMiddles”
这个错误是由于你的 `OrderController.Insert` 方法有多个参数被指定或推断为绑定到请求体,但每个操作只能绑定一个参数。你可以检查以下参数,并使用 `FromQueryAttribute` 指定绑定到查询字符串,使用 `FromRouteAttribute` 指定绑定到路由参数,使用 `FromBodyAttribute` 指定绑定到请求体的参数:
- `Customer c`
- `List<Vehicle> vehicles`
- `List<DeviceMiddle> deviceMiddles`
请确保只有一个参数被标记为 `FromBodyAttribute`,以指定从请求体中绑定数据。如果你需要绑定多个复杂类型的数据,你可以创建一个包含这些参数的模型类,并将该模型类标记为 `FromBodyAttribute`。