(A TV Class – Encapsulation + static)The attributes of a TV object are the channel, the volume, and a flag (or switch)indicating whether the TV is on or off. The methods perform the following actions:Turn the TV on or off.Set the channel to an integer from 0 to 99 inclusive. Raise or lower the volume by one unit. The volume can range from 0 to 20.View the value of the volume.View the channel.Determine whether the TV is on or off.Add static variable to count the number of TV in your house and a static method to return the number of TV that you have.Draw the UML diagram for the class then implement the class. Write a TV class that implements all relevant functions. The class should follow the encapsulation rules which usually make all variable private and use getter and setter to get and set values of the class’s variable. A newly created TV object is set to off with the channel set to 2 and the volume initially 10. Include a main(...) method that tests the methods of the TV class.
时间: 2023-06-03 21:02:46 浏览: 349

public class TV {
private int channel;
private int volume;
private boolean isOn;
private static int TVCount = 0;
public TV() {
isOn = false;
channel = 2;
volume = 10;
public void turnOn() {
isOn = true;
public void turnOff() {
isOn = false;
public void setChannel(int channel) {
if (channel >= 0 && channel <= 99) {
this.channel = channel;
public void increaseVolume() {
if (volume < 20) {
public void decreaseVolume() {
if (volume > 0) {
public int getVolume() {
return volume;
public int getChannel() {
return channel;
public boolean isOn() {
return isOn;
public static int getTVCount() {
return TVCount;
public static void main(String[] args) {
TV tv1 = new TV();
TV tv2 = new TV();
System.out.println("Number of TV: " + TV.getTVCount());
System.out.println("TV1 status: " + tv1.isOn() + ", Channel: " + tv1.getChannel() + ", Volume: " + tv1.getVolume());
Number of TV: 2
TV1 status: true, Channel: 5, Volume: 11