java matrix
时间: 2024-03-24 19:34:40 浏览: 213
int[][] matrix = {
{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9}
Java中还有一些库可以用来处理矩阵,例如Apache Commons Math库和JAMA库。这些库提供了更多的功能和方法来进行矩阵的计算和操作。
1. 矩阵相加和相减
2. 矩阵乘法
3. 矩阵转置
4. 矩阵求逆
5. 矩阵求行列式
6. 矩阵求特征值和特征向量
java matrix类
test plan java matrix
Test Plan for Java Matrix
To ensure that the Java Matrix program is working as expected and meets the functional requirements.
The scope of the test plan is to test the following functionalities of the Java Matrix program:
1. Creating a matrix
2. Adding two matrices
3. Subtracting two matrices
4. Multiplying two matrices
5. Transposing a matrix
1. The Java Matrix program has been developed according to the functional requirements.
2. The input matrices are valid and of the correct size.
Testing approach:
The testing approach will be a combination of manual and automated testing.
Test Cases:
Test Case 1: Creating a matrix
1.1 Test that a matrix of the correct size is created.
1.2 Test that the matrix has the correct values.
Test Case 2: Adding two matrices
2.1 Test that the matrices are of the same size.
2.2 Test that the addition of the matrices is correct.
Test Case 3: Subtracting two matrices
3.1 Test that the matrices are of the same size.
3.2 Test that the subtraction of the matrices is correct.
Test Case 4: Multiplying two matrices
4.1 Test that the matrices are of the correct size.
4.2 Test that the multiplication of the matrices is correct.
Test Case 5: Transposing a matrix
5.1 Test that the transposed matrix has the correct size.
5.2 Test that the transposed matrix has the correct values.
Test Environment:
The Java Matrix program will be tested on the following environment:
1. Operating System: Windows 10
2. Java Version: JDK 1.8
3. IDE: Eclipse
Test Results:
The test results will be recorded in a test report which will include the following information:
1. Test case ID
2. Test case description
3. Test results (pass/fail)
4. Test environment
5. Date and time of testing
The Java Matrix program has been tested and the test results indicate that the program meets the functional requirements. Any defects identified during testing have been reported and will be addressed by the development team.