时间: 2024-04-17 11:22:33 浏览: 90
1. 创建节点和关系:
CREATE (question:Question {title: 'What is Neo4j?', content: 'Neo4j is a graph database.'})
CREATE (answer:Answer {content: 'Neo4j is a highly scalable, native graph database that provides ACID-compliant transactions for data persistence and querying.'})
CREATE (question)-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(answer)
2. 查询问题及其答案:
MATCH (question:Question)-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(answer:Answer)
WHERE question.title = 'What is Neo4j?'
RETURN question.title, answer.content
3. 添加新问题和答案:
MATCH (question:Question {title: 'What is Neo4j?'})
CREATE (newAnswer:Answer {content: 'Neo4j is written in Java and supports the Cypher query language.'})
CREATE (question)-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(newAnswer)
4. 更新问题或答案:
MATCH (question:Question {title: 'What is Neo4j?'})-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(answer:Answer)
SET question.content = 'Neo4j is a graph database management system.'
SET answer.content = 'Neo4j provides a flexible and expressive graph data model with powerful querying capabilities.'
5. 删除问题及其答案:
MATCH (question:Question {title: 'What is Neo4j?'})-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(answer:Answer)
DETACH DELETE question, answer