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function [x, fval] = GA_mean_var_with_cardinality(nvars, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, maxiter, popsize, pcrossover, pmutation)
% GA_mean_var_with_cardinality: Solve the mean-variance model with cardinality constraint using genetic algorithm.
% Input:
% nvars: number of decision variables (integer)
% Aeq, beq: equality constraint matrices (matrices)
% lb, ub: lower and upper bounds of decision variables (vectors)
% maxiter: maximum number of iterations (integer)
% popsize: population size (integer)
% pcrossover: crossover probability (scalar)
% pmutation: mutation probability (scalar)
% Output:
% x: optimal solution (vector)
% fval: optimal objective value (scalar)
% Example:
% nvars = 10;
% Aeq = ones(1, nvars);
% beq = 5;
% lb = zeros(1, nvars);
% ub = ones(1, nvars);
% maxiter = 100;
% popsize = 50;
% pcrossover = 0.8;
% pmutation = 0.1;
% [x, fval] = GA_mean_var_with_cardinality(nvars, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, maxiter, popsize, pcrossover, pmutation);
% disp(x);
% disp(fval);
% Calculate the objective function
fitnessfcn = @(x) mean_var_with_cardinality(x);
% Set the options for the genetic algorithm
options = gaoptimset('PopulationType', 'doubleVector', ...
'PopulationSize', popsize, ...
'Generations', maxiter, ...
'CrossoverFraction', pcrossover, ...
'MutationFcn', {@mutationuniform, pmutation}, ...
'SelectionFcn', {@selectionroulette}, ...
'Display', 'off');
% Solve the problem using the genetic algorithm
[x, fval] = ga(fitnessfcn, nvars, [], [], Aeq, beq, lb, ub, [], options);
function [fval] = mean_var_with_cardinality(x)
% mean_var_with_cardinality: Calculate the objective value of the mean-variance model with cardinality constraint.
% Input:
% x: decision variables (vector)
% Output:
% fval: objective value (scalar)
% Define the parameters of the problem
mu = [0.1 0.2 0.15 0.07 0.11 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.14 0.18];
sigma = [0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.22 0.3];
c = 0.25;
n = length(mu);
% Calculate the objective value
fval = -(x * mu') + c * (x * sigma')^2;
if sum(x) ~= 5
fval = fval + 1e5;
其中,`nvars` 表示决策变量的数量,`Aeq` 和 `beq` 分别表示等式约束的系数矩阵和常数向量,`lb` 和 `ub` 分别表示决策变量的下界和上界,`maxiter` 表示最大迭代次数,`popsize` 表示种群大小,`pcrossover` 表示交叉概率,`pmutation` 表示变异概率。
函数 `mean_var_with_cardinality` 计算均值方差模型的目标函数值,并考虑基数约束。
调用 `GA_mean_var_with_cardinality` 函数即可求解该问题。