Built-in commands 如何查看 端口转发
时间: 2024-05-13 13:16:38 浏览: 71
1. 查看所有正在进行的转发:
adb forward --list
2. 停止一个正在进行的端口转发:
adb forward --remove <local>
其中,`<local>` 是本地端口号。
3. 开启一个端口转发:
adb forward <local> <remote>
其中,`<local>` 是本地端口号,`<remote>` 是设备上的端口号。
例如,如果您想将设备上的端口 8080 转发到本地端口 8888,您可以使用以下命令:
adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:8080
解释Built-in commands
Built-in commands refer to commands that are built into the operating system's shell or command interpreter. These commands are usually executed directly by the shell or interpreter, without the need for an external executable file.
Examples of common built-in commands include cd (change directory), echo (print text to the console), pwd (print working directory), and history (display a list of recently executed commands).
Built-in commands are typically faster and more efficient than external commands because they do not need to be loaded into memory from disk. They are also often more versatile and customizable since they can be tailored to the specific needs of the operating system and the user's preferences.
用中文解释Built-in commands
Built-in commands 是指在操作系统或者命令行界面中内置的命令。这些命令通常是操作系统的一部分,可以直接使用而无需安装额外的软件。例如,Windows 操作系统中的 built-in commands 包括 dir、cd、mkdir、echo 等用于管理文件和目录、显示文本等常用命令。在 Linux 或者 macOS 等操作系统中,常见的 built-in commands 包括 cd、ls、cp、mv、rm 等。这些命令通常比外部程序执行更快,因为它们不需要从硬盘或网络中加载程序。