1 25 C:\Users\11720\Desktop\源代码\未命名1.cpp [Error] ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory
时间: 2023-09-23 21:10:53 浏览: 85
This error message indicates that the compiler cannot find the ESP8266WiFi.h header file, which is needed for your program to compile successfully.
To resolve this error, you need to make sure that the ESP8266WiFi library is properly installed and included in your program. You can check if the library is installed by going to the Arduino IDE menu and selecting Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries. Then, search for "ESP8266WiFi" and make sure it is installed.
If the library is installed but still not being found, you may need to add the library path to your program's include paths. To do this, go to the Arduino IDE menu and select File -> Preferences. In the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field, add the following URL: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json. Then, close the Preferences window and go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager. Search for "ESP8266" and install the package. Finally, restart the Arduino IDE and try compiling your program again.