Madgwick AHRS MATLAB 程序
时间: 2024-05-02 10:22:10 浏览: 193
以下是Madgwick AHRS MATLAB程序的示例代码:
function [q] = MadgwickAHRS(imuData, beta, sampleFreq)
% MadgwickAHRS - Madgwick's implementation of the AHRS algorithm
% Syntax: [q] = MadgwickAHRS(imuData,beta,sampleFreq)
% Inputs:
% imuData - 6xN matrix of IMU data. Rows 1-3 are accelerometer data
% (in g), and rows 4-6 are gyroscope data (in rad/s).
% beta - algorithm gain (default 0.1)
% sampleFreq - sampling frequency (Hz)
% Outputs:
% q - 4x1 quaternion representing the estimated orientation
if (nargin < 3)
sampleFreq = 100;
if (nargin < 2)
beta = 0.1;
q = [1; 0; 0; 0]; % initialize quaternion
for i = 1:size(imuData,2)
accel = imuData(1:3,i);
gyro = imuData(4:6,i);
% normalize accelerometer data
accelNorm = norm(accel);
if (accelNorm == 0)
accel = accel / accelNorm;
% estimate the direction of gravity in the body frame
v = [2*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3)); ...
2*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4)); ...
q(1)^2 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2 + q(4)^2];
% error between the estimated and measured direction of gravity
error = cross(v,accel);
% gyroscope units are radians/s so we need to convert to quaternion rate
gyro = gyro / sampleFreq;
% integrate the gyroscope data
qDot = 0.5 * quatmultiply(q',[0 gyro])';
% estimate the orientation quaternion
q = q + (qDot - beta * [0 error'])';
% normalize the quaternion
q = q / norm(q);